"Agreed" I said as my tummy rumbled at that exact moment, laughing all the way to the café.

My stomach delighted at the sight of my tuna salad bagel and I devoured it as soon as it was placed in front of me.

The cafe was bustling as per usual, the smell of coffee wafting around the place. Jason smiled as he took a bite of his sandwich, both of us silently relishing our food.

"This is starting to become my favourite place to visit" I smiled "Even the owners know our names by now "

Jason chuckled "It's a great little café. I've only started coming here more often because of you"

"Are you blaming me for taking you to this amazing place?"

"All I'm saying is I've had to stay a few extra hours at the gym"

I raised an eyebrow as I looked him up and down. I highly doubted that. I shook my head and focused on my food, my stomach feeling satisfied with each bite.

"I actually have something I wanted to ask you" Jason started. I nodded my head for him to continue. "So, you know that I won those tickets to the basketball game" I nodded once again, too engrossed with my lunch to form words "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" he asked running a hand through his hair.

I paused mid chew, not expecting him to ask me that. "Me?" I mumbled with a mouthful of food.

Jason chuckled "No, the lady sitting behind you. Yeah, you"

"But what about your other friends? Ethan or Ian? Wouldn't they like to go instead?"

"They're busy" he shrugged.

"Did you even ask them? I know they would much prefer to go to the basketball game"

"It doesn't matter. I want to take you" he smiled. "Besides, didn't you once say that you wanted to go to an actual basketball game? I really want to take you to your first game"

I smiled, loving how he remembered that little fact. As much as I loved sport, I had never been to an actual game. All my sports viewing had been through the television. "Are you sure you want to take me and not any of your other friends?"

"Positive. It would be my honour to take you to your first basketball game"

"Thanks Jason" I grinned "I appreciate it"

He smiled back, taking a sip of his coffee. I bit my lips in anticipation, my heartbeat picking up at the thought of going to my first basketball game. There were no words to describe how excited I was.

I couldn't stop the grin that overtook my face as I sat in the front row of my first ever basketball game. I was all decked out in my basketball gear with a cute cap to compliment . The arena was full, mindless chatter filled the air as the spectators prepared for an evening of fun, buzzing with excitement.

Jason grinned beside me "Your smile is infectious you know"

If possible, my grin grew wider "I can't help it, I'm so excited"

"I knew you were the right person to take with me"

"We should commemorate this moment with a selfie" I said taking out my phone. We took several pictures, some with ridiculous poses and some with wide grins showing. These were the kind of memories I wanted to treasure forever.

"Thanks again for bringing me along" I smiled.

Jason chuckled "The game hasn't even started yet"

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