chapter 1: everything is great for now

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People don't understand the consequences of some dangerous predicaments and shenanigans. Stupidity is among them for a few reasons. Once again the world is at peace. The laughing seagull flys through the air laughing at stunt devil children messing up their trick shots. What a very spiteful bird.

Underground is a bunker is this kid who created there own community with unique creatures. The first creature was a lime clay ball wearing a yellow crown who can fly to any height and survives in lava named flanking. He was the kid first creation. The child was a british, white boy named rhys with... specialities. Everything in this world is great until...

Rhys made himself a cloning machine, however it didn't go as planned. Rhys used the wrong oil and wires to make it and used the wrong ones. His partners flanking, pingpong ball and bendy helped him create it. Bendy dropped some of his ink on it which messed it up and pretty much flipped everything up. No one noticed the mistake and left it over night. There was over 9000 creatures in the underground community.

Freddie Krueger was another guy in this community with his friend and or pet, Tattletail. Tattletail is a furby like creature but more creepy and scary. Pingpong ball rented out a car named midnight and rex for main occasions despite no roads underground. Rhys also owned a little brat cat named tibby who has nicknames tibby tibby, tibster, tibs and many, many more. Rhys also has a pet degu named betty who has nicknames also bets, skitsy, skits, betty boo and many, many more.

Kevin who is a dinosaur. Dinosaur soft toy is cautious about the cloning machine since it makes beeping noise at midnight. Kevin is always fearful. But who could ot get any worse besides it beeping at midnight. Oliva who is known to be the first tailess monkey besides curious George. Rhys knew the cloning machine is acting weird so he said to dinoclaw and banstoo who is a robot dinosaur and a giant glockenspiel with eyes and one arm. Banstoo explains to Rhys about the cloning machine
" it has a potential chance to malfunction" he explained
However Rhys just giggles.

Lipst who is giant floating lips ran to figgie who is a giant rock which is shaped as a fig role to tell Rhys about the mistake hes going to make. Banstoo and lipst both tried to explain themselves but Rhys just laughed again and didn't listen.

Oh no out comes famous chicken with his companion CB. They walked to chartreliouse whose favourite colour is chartreuse and is a blonde girl with a cowboy hat trying to tell her about the cloning machine but they cant speak English and only animal language. But she knows somethings up.

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