First Encounter (Part l)

Start from the beginning

"Okay, that's enough. You're scaring her, Tsukasa." Amane scolded, making Tsukasa whine, "But...! We've never had any visitor for sooooo long!" He tried to reason but Amane flicked his forehead, effectively shutting him up.

"Now that that's done, tell us your wish!" Amane turned to her, a notepad in hand. Nene blinked, "Are you really..." She started, "not just some perverted ghost?"

In an instant, he was dragging a clueless Tsukasa along while covered by a gloomy aura. "We're done. Bye."

Nene's eyes widened as she called for them, "Wait, wait! I take it back! I was just surprised! You two are so cool, I promise!"

Amane stopped, and in a single second, his cheery mood was back.

"Ummm..... Amane-kun, right?" She paused, and he nodded in agreement, "My name's Yahiro Nene! I'm sorry about earlier, it just really surprised me that you're a boy. Let alone twins!"

Amane blinked, about to say something, but Tsukasa beat him to it "Eh, how did you know?" Nene sweatdropped, "Well, it's pretty obvious..."

Once again, Tsukasa suddenly bounded up to her with a grin, "So Nene-chan," The way he says her name brought up that nostalgic feeling again, "-you summoned us coz you've got a wish right?" He asked, while Nene mentally slapped herself.

She completely forgot!

"Oh, right! I wish for the person I like to return my feelings!" She exclaimed, pulling out her phone to show her crush.

"Minamoto-senpai, he's a second year and the student council president!" She said dreamily, with a lovestruck look in her eyes.

The two boys looked at each other before turning to her, "Eh, what's so great about him anyways?" Tsukasa asked innocently.

"Well, he's not just handsome, he's also very smart! And amazingly kind! I dropped my pencilcase the other day and he picked it up for me. He's so dreamy...."

By now, Nene was already stuck in her fantasies that she didn't notice Amane giving her a weird look. While Tsukasa tried to poke her, but his hand kept passing through.

"Yashiro." Amane said loudly, bringing Nene back to reality, Nene looked at him curiously. "Oh, I'm sorry. I kinda spaced out..... By the way, how do you grant wishes, Amane-kun? Do you use some kind of special tools?" At that, Amane seemed to perk up at her.

"Yeah. I do. Wait a minute." He was rummaging inside his uniform while Nene eagerly waited, what could it be? Could it be an orb or a magic wand like those in fairytales?

Imagine her disappointment when he brought out a book, titled '100 Methods of Love:This is Love'

Of all the things-A guide book!?

Nene flat out rejected the idea. Shaking her head with a blank expression on her face. Amane laughed nervously.

"Now, now. If you want to borrow our power, you need to pay a fitting price." He watched as Yashiro's face morphed into one of confusion.

"If you want power beyond human comprehension, the price will be a lot steeper." He explained further, but her confusion remained, Amane sighed.

"Just put it like this. The more complex a wish is, the bigger the price." Finally, she seemed to understand, her mouth forming into an 'o' shape.

"I see..." Nene pondered for a bit, would a simple guidebook be really enough? Then her gaze settled on Amane who was already skimming the pages of the book.

That's right!

Amane-kun and Tsukasa-kun are ghosts that can grant wishes! They must have granted tons of love wishes before!

Suddenly the book in Amane's hands was snatched by a grinning Tsukasa, his brother tried to get it back, but Tsukasa kept evading him.

"Method 78: Make the most of your special skills!" Tsukasa read loudly making the commotion stop, Amane turned to Nene .

"Do you have any special skill, Yashiro?"


"A field!" Amane exclaimed as he surveys the piece of land.

After briefly changing, Nene led them to what seemingly looks like a garden.

"It's our school's paractice garden, I'm in the gardening club." Nene explains, walking over to a empty plot and violently stabbing the dirt with a hoe.

"My special skill is gardening!" She said proudly, to which Hanako answered with a look of clear disappointment.

"Eh! What's that look for!? I grow Flowers too! Isn't that feminine!?" She waits for him to answer but her attention was grabbed by Tsukasa, who was floating dangerously close to a flower pot.

Oh no! That's Aoi's! She'll be sad if something we're to happen to it.

Tsukasa seems clueless though. He keeps looking around and studying his surroundings, with a somewhat nostalgic look on his eyes.

"Ah! Tsukasa-kun, there's a flower pot behind you, be careful." Tsukasa answered by floating closer to her, with his finger on his cheek.

"Why did you choose gardening, Nene-chan?" He asks curiously, amber eyes boring onto her own. At this, Nene sighed heavily.

"Well, I started gardening because a guy I used to like said that he liked feminine girls. I also started to learn cooking and sewing in hopes of getting his attention. It never worked though." Her gaze dropped to the ground.

"And after finally having the courage, I confessed." The twins looked at her expectantly, but instead, she buried her face in her hands.

"I got rejected." She said quietly, removing her hands from her face to reveal glassy eyes. "But you know what hurts the most? He said I had Radish legs! Can you believe that!?" She couldn't help but shed a few tears.

A forced smile made its way on her face, "But no matter! I'm totally over it now!" She tried to sound cheery, but the twins know better. They didn't say it out loud though.

"Wow. What an asshole." Tsukasa said, earning a glare from his brother. "Tsukasa! Your mouth!" Amane scolded, eyes widening. Tsukasa grinned and gave him a peace sign.

"Sorry Amane." He answered cheekily. Nene giggled, "You're a great brother, Amane-kun." Amane just smiled and pulled something out of his pocket.

It was a heart shaped message card and a pen. "Eh?" Nene looked at him questioning,"Give this to your senpai along with something you grew. I call it operation:Present!" Hanako said cheerily, with Tsukasa clapping in the background.

What a supportive brother.

How literal... Nene sweatdropped, "But I already tried once-" She started but was immediately cut off. "You won't know if it turns out the same if you try right? Who knows? Maybe it'll work this time." He encouraged her, and it seemed to work.

Nene's eyes sparkled with renewed confidence, "Alright! I'll give it a shot!" She exclaimed, "Yeah!" Amane cheered.

Nene sat down thinking about what she would write.

Well.... If I confess my feelings, it might be too sudden.... What to do? Oh! I'll write him a thank you for picking up my pencilcase the other day!

She quickly started writing, "So Yashiro, what do you grow here?" Amane asked as he floated towards her, eyes locked on the flowers growing behind her.

"Those." She pointed beside her, not even bothering to look up. "Let's see~"

Amane turned to where she pointed, expecting to see beautiful flowers.


"Well, I guess that'll do..."

He can faintly hear Tsukasa's laughter.

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