" I am just getting evidence that you make lumpy pancakes in every time period." Nora comments.

Barry clears his throat

" Let's try it out. Mmm. Lumpy, but delicious." Barry says as he eats and swallows.

" Yeah? Oh, thanks, babe." Iris says.

Iris sees the phone in Nora's hand

" I'm sorry, um, when did you When did you get a phone?"Iris asks Nora.

" Mhm-mhm. Nora suggested it. I mean, I thought it was a great idea. We're always in and out of STAR Labs, so I just You know, it'd be easier to text and call."Barry says.

" Yeah. Yeah. That totally makes sense." Iris says as she picks at the pancake furiously.

Barry then changes the subject by saying

" You guys excited to cheer me on at the charity softball game? " Barry asks.

" Softball? Shway." Nora says.

" I just hope I don't get stuck in right field this year." Barry says.

Nora's cellphone buzzes

" You, uh, gave your message out already?"Iris asks Nora.

" Yeah, just to the team and Sherloque. Actually, this text message, I think, is from him." Nora says as she shows the phone.

Barry chuckles

" I don't think he's much of texter." Barry says.

" No.He, uh, wants us to come to STAR Labs. I'm gonna get ready." Nora says.

" You haven't had anything to eat." Iris says.

Nora drinks the orange juice

" Mm. I'm not really a breakfast person." Nora says.

Iris places the fork down and sighs

" You know, I though having her here, we would finally have a chance to connect, but it's like every time we take half - a step forward, we end up taking six steps back." Iris says.

" I- I mean, don't give up. She'll come around. I have a feeling." Barry says.

" Yeah. Not if I keep making food like that. " iris says.

" Hey, no, this is really good. It is.I mean, it's a little like..." Barry says.

" Wait, wait, stop. Just stop." Iris says.

" Dark, but." Barry says.

" No, it's I'm going to make you a banana. It's fine." Iris says.

You're gonna make me a banana?" Barry asks.

" I'm gonna make you a banana." Iris says.

" Thanks." Barry says.

Later At STAR Labs the whole team is assembled

" Wait, no, I asked for everyone. Where is the little, uh." Sherloque asks.

" Cisco is laying low at his parents house while he heals up." Barry says.

" I will have a conversation with him the next time I see him. So, Team Flash. How will this handsome, master detective of all the multiverse, Sherloque Wells, pay off his debt ad catch this homicidal maniac together? Well, we'll begin by asking ourselves a few obvious questions. zHow he became a meta human?" Sherloque asks.

" Well, power manifestaton varies. The particle accelerator." Caitlin says.

" I don't think we're interrupting Sherloque, right?" Sherloque asks.

Barry and Iris OSWhere stories live. Discover now