Two | The Cast

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~~~Kalani's POV~~~

I was awoken by the boys voices in my room.

"Supercalalalalladousus." I heard Sebby sing.

I rubbed my eyes and saw my window letting in the sun light.

"Wake!" Francisco said pointing to mead I sat up in bed.

"We watch Mary Poppins wif Papa!" Sebby said excitedly.

"Wow that's so cool can you guys so in the living room so I can get dressed then we can play for a minute?" I asked them as they nodded.

"Come on Francisco!" Sebby said grabbing Francisco's hand.

I got out of bed and got on my black leggings and my pink nike hoodie. I brush out my hair and then got to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I put some product in my hair to contain my curls. I walked out to find Sebby and Francisco watching Paw Patrol.

I saw Vanessa eating her breakfast and drinking her coffee.

"Boys come on let's go get dressed for daycare." She said to the boys.

I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Good morning Kalani." Vanessa said with a smile.

"Good morning Vanessa. Why do the boys have to leave?" I asked kindly as I walked in to get a glass of water.

"Well You and Lin are going to the theater cause he has a show and I have work." She replied as she showed me the cupboard with the cups in it.

"Oh okay."

I got my cup filled it with water and sipped it slowly.

"Good morning!" Lin sang walking into the kitchen.

"Morning." Vanessa said sipping her coffee again.

"Good morning." I said to him.

"Ready for today?" He asked.

"Oh am I. I can't wait." I replied.

"Glad to hear make sure you get something for entertainment just in case there is a moment where you do get bored and you have to stay in the dressing room." Lin says with a smile.

"For sure!" I said running to my room to grab my iPod and ear phones.

"Okay we should be leaving soon get your coat, and shoes."

"Okay." I said walking to the coat rack and grabbing my coat then grabbing my shoes.

"Okay bye boys see you soon." Lin says giving each of the boys a kiss on the head.

"Wait don't leave Nini!" Sebby said hugging me tightly.

"I'll be back sorry I didn't get to play but we can later okay?" I said to him.

"Okay see you w-ater!" He said waving to me as Lin and I walked out into the cold.

"Oh here are your gloves." I said handing Lin his gloves.

"Oh thank you Kalani." He said slipping them on. I slipped mine on and continued to walk down the sidewalk trying to keep up with Lin.

He grabbed my hand so we could stay the same pace.

"You like Christmas?" He asked as I admired the huge Christmas tree in front of me.

"Yeah I love it. It's been awhile since I've had Christmas with a family though." I replied.

"Well you don't ever have to worry about that." Lin said swinging an arm around me as we walked down the sidewalk.

I looked around at the beautiful city around me.

Adopted by Lin Manuel MirandaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora