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" oh fuck " Diego says breathless as he lays down beside me, we just finished doing you know.

" Why haven't I fucked you sooner " I say laughing, that was me and Diego's first time doing the dirty together.

And I was right to be scared of fucking him because it hurt like a bitch, manz gotta big-

" I'm sorry for everything, I shouldn't have yelled at you for just talking to him as friends and saying you fucked him and everything. I'm also sorry for fucking Josie " Diego says turning on his side and looking at me

" It's okay, but I'm still mad about you fucking Josie I mean what the hell Diego " I yell and Diego groans frustratedly

" I thought you fucked him so I fucked her " Diego says looking everywhere but at me

" Thought and did is to different things" I say wrapping the bed sheets around me and getting up but falling back on the bed

My legs hurt like a bitch

Diego laughs and I flip him off

" Just did " he says laughing harder

" Diego help me " I whine and Diego picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bathroom.

Ooo his bathroom is nice, oh wait this isn't his bathroom it's Sebastian's

He sets me on the sink and turn the shower on

" I'll take a shower with you so you don't fall again " Diego says and I nod

" Wait get my clothes and bring them in here " I whine and Diego laughs, he leave the bathroom and comes back with the clothes I was wearing before.

Diego picks me up off the counter and we get in the shower, nothing happened.

We get out and get dressed, it still hurt to walk just not as bad.

" Diego carry me " I whine and Diego chuckles

" Now I wish I never fucked you " Diego says picking me up

" Fine you want have to fuck me ever again then " I say crossing my arms over my chest

" Wait no, im sorry" Diego whines and I just laugh

" But seriously, I am still pissed so be happy that you got lucky because it want be happening for a while" I say being serious

" I know " Diego says in a baby voice and pouts and I laugh, we go into the kitchen and see everyone on there phone and loud music was playing

" Can't walk " Madi says laughing, my eyes widen and I shake me head no and they all start laughing

" Why can't all my arguments end like that " Chris says chuckling and Madi smacks his arm

" Kidding, I'm just kidding" he says then when she looks away he mouth " I'm not kidding " and we all laugh

" Okay can you put me down now " I say looking at Diego

" Yes but you have to make me food " Diego says setting me down

" Me too" Madi says

" I want pizza " Sebastian adds

I look in there fridge and see they have frozen pizza so I take it out the box and everything, then put it in the oven

Another boy walks in and he looks so familiar but I don't know where I have seen him before

He points to me and looks at everyone confused

" Mine " Diego says taking a drink of whatever the hell he is drinking

Diego Martir Where stories live. Discover now