First Day

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Taylor is a 17 year old girl with Brown hair and blue eyes. Her father passed away when she was 8 and now she lives with her drunken abusive step mom.

"Make me some food you horrible teenager" said her step mom Lori.

"I'm coming” said Taylor.

"No NOW I'm going to be late for work" said Lori.

Taylor comes down seeing her step mom Lori with a bottle of liquor. Taylor started steering when...

Lori yells "What are you looking at?!" and throws her liquor bottle at my head.

Taylor falls down the stairs " ahh my leg I think its broken can you call the ambulance" with tears coming down her cheek.

Lori walks over and starts kicking Taylor in the stomach holding her liquor and drinking it.

"You ungrateful teenager if you had come down earlier this wouldn't happen" said Lori and walked away.

Tiffany tried standing up and reaching the phone but she had no strength. Every time she tried tears came down her cheeks. But she had to get up or she will be late for school so she pushed as hard as she could, and leaned her body on the wall and called "911".

"Hello you called 911 what’s your emergency?".

"I fell down the stairs and broke my leg" said Taylor.

"An ambulance is on its way stay calm and don't move ".

Taylor hung up and waited. Five to ten minutes later an ambulance showed up with paramedics they took Taylor in the ambulance and started working on her there.

"Here are your crutches " said the parametric.

"Can I have a shoe cast?" said Taylor.

"Sure you heading to school?" said the parametric.

"Yes" said Taylor.

"Will bring you to school, which school is it ?"said the parametric.

"Diamonds school “said Taylor.

"OK were off" said the parametric.

Ten to fifteen minutes later they arrived at "Diamonds School".

"Here we are “said the parametric.

"Thank you " said Taylor.

Taylor walked into the school and headed for her locker where her boyfriend Scott was standing.

"Where have you been babe?" said Scott.

He looked down on the cast on my foot.

"What are you doing trying to get other guys to feel sorry for you? “Said Scott.

He took my hand and pulled me into this classroom that was empty and pushed me against the wall and placed both of my hands over my head.

"Don't you ever let me see you trying to get other guys to feel sorry for you the only man you need is right here!".

Scott gave me a big kiss on the lips and put his hand in mind and walked away to are next class.

(Authors Note) 

So what did you guys think? I wanted to put more feeling in my books to get it more excited and you feel like you are Taylor. I'll update more if I get some more fans and comments on you want more!!


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