9: Beginning of the Future

Start from the beginning

He wore glasses, his brown eyes reflecting off them "Nice to meet you Rosie"

"You too" I smiled.

We moved on to the next person who sat beside Jakub. "This is Yasmine, she deals with the payroll"

"Hi, welcome to the team" she smiled brightly.

"Thanks. I love your hijab. It matches your outfit" I said, complementing her matching outfit.

"Thanks. You have no idea how much time it takes in the morning to match my outfit together" she laughed.

"And we also have Daniel, who normally sits beside me, but he's just stepped away from his desk. I swear, his timing is impeccable" Madeline rolled her eyes.

"I'm here." Daniel barged through the door as if hearing his name. "Sorry, had a little comfort break. You must be Rosie. I'm Daniel, I'm one of the accountants here, it's nice to meet you" he said, shaking my hand.

"It's nice to meet you too"

"I believe you'll be sitting next to me" Daniel said "Our workload has been getting bigger since we've started to expand the company, hence why we needed an extra pair of hands for the job"

"Well, I'll certainly try my best" I responded, eagerly hoping that I wouldn't disappoint.

All day, Daniel had been training me on how to use the software and explained what I would be doing. My role was finance assistant; therefore, it was my responsibility to assist everyone when they needed to, hoping to take on some of the other team members workload since their own workloads had gotten too much to take on since the expansion.

There was so much to learn and do in this role, my head was hurting just trying to remember it all. But luckily, I was a copious note taker, a skill I had taken with me from my college days and was writing everything Daniel was telling me. Now, as well as my head hurting, my hand hurt too.

As Daniel was in the middle of explaining something important, my stomach chose that moment to growl. And it wasn't exactly quiet.

Daniel chuckled while my face flamed in embarrassment "I suppose that means it's lunchtime"

"Really? So soon? I didn't realise the time" I said, failing to salvage the moment.

"You might not have, but your stomach certainly did" Daniel chuckled "Come on, I'll show you to our break room"

The break room was on the ground floor and was big enough to fit in a lot of staff members. Obviously, not for the whole office as not everyone took their lunch at the same time. We had an hour break and could take it anytime in the afternoon. A breakfast bar stood at one end of the room with a few stools for people to sit on. A table also lay in the middle of the room with couches surrounding it making it a good place to relax while eating lunch.

"There's microwaves over there if you ever need to heat anything up. And the fridge is just there if you need to chill your lunch" Daniel pointed out.

"Thanks. I've just brought a sandwich for today. I didn't know what the lunch setup would be like"

"No problem. Just make yourself comfy. I'm just going to heat up my lunch"

The lunchroom was quite busy. My ears were filled with chatter as colleagues chatted amongst themselves, ready to have their lunch. I managed to find a spare spot on the couch and took out my sandwich. Compared to everyone else's amazing looking lunches, mine looked measly. The air wafted with the different scents of home cooked meals, all mingling together, invading my senses. I was so going to have to start bringing in home cooked lunches from now on.

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