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Lexie's POV

"Why are you such a fucking whore?" James screamed in my face.

"I'm sorry." I cried "nothing happened."

He shoved me and I lost my balance and fell into the parking lot drive where a car was coming right for me. I closed my eyes and winced. Nothing hit me.. I opened my eyes and seen a very attractive guy yelling at James. I didn't hear what he was saying. Than the guy knelt down next me me. He was talking to me but I really didn't hear what he was saying but it's like my mouth was responding but my ears were not hearing what I was saying. Before I knew it I was getting in this boys car. I told him the way to my house and we had another conversation that I really wasn't processing.

I opened my house door and walked into my room. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and it was cracked. I turned it on and James had blown up my phone. I turned my phone back off and laid down on my bed and thought about the curly haired boy. I think his name is harry.

I was woken by my house phone ringing. "Hello." I answered with my sleepy voice.

"Why the hell haven't you answered me back. Come down stairs now I'm at the door." James yelled through the phone.

"Okay." I climbed out of my bed pulling on my big sweater and walked down the stairs.

I opened the door and James stormed it almost knocking me down.

"You are such a fucking slut." He screamed in my face.

"Nothing happened he just drove me home."

"Than you slept with him. You haven't even fucked me yet." He slapped my face.

"I didn't sleep with him. I swear." I covered my face and he shoved me to the ground. He climbed on top of me. James felt up and down my body as I trembled. "Stop please." I begged as he sucked on my neck.

"You're not gonna sleep with him and not sleep with me." He stuck his hands in my shirt.

"Help!" I screamed when I heard a knock at the door. "Help."

James smacked me in the face.

I heard the door swing open. I seen feet run towards us. I felt James be pulled off me and I laid on the floor motionless. I heard some noises and that I felt me being sat up. I opened my eyes and it was harry wearing a pair of sun glasses.

"Goodness lex are you okay?" He looked my face with worry in his eyes.

"She's fine." I looked over and seen James sitting up, blood covering under his nose and he had a swollen eye.

"Get the fuck out or I will kick your ass again." Harry yelled

I winced and James ran out of my house. "I'm okay." He touched my face and I winced again.

"Let's get you cleaned up." He helped me to my feet.

We walked up the stairs and I showed him where the bathroom was.

I sat on the toilet as he cleaned my cut with peroxide.

"Why were you here so late?" I blurted out as he was cleaning up the medical stuff.

"To be honest." I nodded "I couldn't stop thinking about you. I just wanted to talk to you."

"Oh." I whispered.

"I also had a bad feeling." He looked into my blue eyes. His eyes were this emerald green.

"We'll I'm glad you came." She touched a cotton ball to my face. "Ouch."

"Me too. Here let me get u tucked into bed before I leave." He held out his hand.

"Okay." We walked into my bed room and I climbed into bed.

"Night beautiful." He kissed my head. He started to walk out.

"Wait. Stay with me please."

"I really should-"

"Please my parents won't be home and what if James comes back."

"Yeah I'll stay." He climbed into my bed.

"Thanks." I snuggled up against him. He lightly wrapped his arm around me.

"Anytime." He kissed my head. "Goodnight." I felt my self getting tired than everything went black from sleep.

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