☆ Chapter three ☆

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It's past summer now and its fall going into winter. Danni and Emma became close friends over the past months. Despite already being a relationship Emma developed feelings for Danni. "She's just so nice to me and I really trust her." Emma was lost in her own thoughts. "It would be nice to be with her but I don't wanna break up with Brandi." She sighed, it was hard to decide what she wanted to do. "Do I wanna break up with Brandi and take the chance of telling Danni how I feel? Or... do I wanna stay with Brandi forever?" She had to make a decision. She sat on that for a while and the next thing she knew is that another month had past by her. She had to make a decision soon. "Do I wanna suffer with this feeling of wanting to at least know that I like her? Or do I wanna feel terrible for the rest of my life knowing I desperately wanna be with someone else later on in life?" Emma sighed "I should at least break up with Brandi, this isn't fair to her." She followed up on her own words yesterday and at lunch she told her that she had lost feelings for her. Brandi didn't take it well, she was upset and left to go sit with someone else. "At least I have this problem done with now, even if this did hurt a lot. I just like Danni a lot more I couldn't lie anymore." Emma sat and thought to herself and got support from her friends at the table. Danni wasn't there that day so it went better than Emma expected. So Emma sat for a week pondering if her feelings for Danni would go away. They didn't. They just got stronger. So over the weekend, they hung out for the day. Danni kinda noticed Emma acting strange or more nervous the whole time and asked "is something wrong? You've been acting a little strange today..." "I- I um I have something to tell you but like I'm really nervous and scared." Danni tilted her head to the side like a dog, confused. Emma sighed loudly "I should just say it and get it over with. Look, Danni I- I like you. Like a lot." She got quiet and left Danni in shock while escaping her to go to the bathroom. Emma sat on the floor in front of the door shaking. She was scared of being judged by Danni. Her good friend rejecting her and making her best friend uncomfortable with her. Instead Danni was flatted but panicked a bit when Emma left the room. "Hey, are you okay?" Danni heard a sniffle from the other side of the door. "I- I made you uncomfortable didn't I?" "N-no Emma you didn't make me uncomfortable..." "Are you sure?" "Yeah..." Danni heard another little sniffle from the door. Emma wiped her tears away and got up to blow her nose. Emma opened the door and looked away from Danni. Danni opened up her arms and asked "can I?" Emma nodded and Danni hugged her. Emma brought her arms up and hugged back. "It's okay. Besides I kinda like you too..." "o-oh you do?" "Yeah" Emma smiled and quietly said "oh" and started giggling. "S-sorry, I just think that nobody will ever like me back." "Aww, Emma it's okay..." "u-um can you maybe stay over tonight?" Emma looked pleading. "Hmm, I'll have to ask but maybe." Emma nodded her head in understanding. It took a bit to get confirmation but they did and Danni could stay the night. They spent the night talking. About what they like about eachother and a bit of their pasts. Emma went to sleep happy and content knowing Danni and herself are still friends and maybe going to be more. When Emma woke up the next day to see Danni in the chair in the corner she was trying to read one of Peart's books because she was curious. Emma chuckled and scared Danni. "H-hi." "Good morning Danni." Emma got out of bed and gave Danni a kiss on the cheek before walking to the bathroom to use the restroom and brush her teeth. Danni gave a little chuckle and smiled to herself. When Emma walked out of the bathroom she asked "so, what do you wanna do today?"

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