Chapter Eight Innocence is what we aim for

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Finally it was Friday and I was waiting for Symphony and her friends to pick me up. “Do I look okay?” I ask Emmett

“Who do I look like? Melody? Speaking of which, where is she?” He asks me

“She said something about a pool boy? I dunno? Maybe she’s joining the swim team?”

“It’s November, Aleko.”

“Oh, right. Now seriously, how do you look?”

Emmett examines me head to toe. I’m wearing gray skinny jeans and a long sleeve dark blue stripped shirt with a black denim jacket over it. “You look good, dude. I think.” He says then starts laughing

“So what are your plans for the night?”

“I’m gonna sit at home and read the fifteen books I got from the school’s library.”

“That sounds…boring! Dude come on! Come with me.”

“Nah, parties were never my thing.”



“You have fun tonight.”

“Is that code word for: Don’t fuck this up?”

He smiles and says “You bet your ass.”

I hear a knock at the door. “Wish me luck.” I whisper

“Don’t drink. I saw how many pills you took.” He adds

 “I won’t. Don’t wait up for me!” I open the door to see Symphony in a light pink dress with a white sweater over it and matching leggings. Her beautiful brown hair is curled to perfection and all the makeup she’s wearing is a little bit of eyeliner. “You look…amazing.” I tell her

She smiles, a blush reaching her face. “So do you.” She tells me

 We walk down the stairs and go to the parking lot where River has his shiny new red jeep waiting. We get in and I say hi to him and Kiera. They both nod their head in response.

River starts up the jeep then drives off. “So are you excited?” Symphony asks me

“Yeah, but honestly? I can’t drink.” I tell her

“Why’s that? Can’t handle your beer, Tribianni?” River asks me

“No, I have a heart condition and the medication I take mixed with alcohol could kill me.” I throw back at him

“Oh, my goodness. River, you’re so inconsiderate.” Symphony snaps at him

“Sorry, man I didn’t mean to sound like such an ass.” River apologizes

“It’s fine.” I say

We go to this huge white house that has to be two stories with raging music and kids partying everywhere. The house is surrounded by acres of green field. River parks his jeep in the drive way and we get out. “Whoa.” I say

“Yeah, it’s a bit overwhelming. Just stay close to me.” Symphony tells me as we walk into the house

“Will do.” I tell her

We go into the raging party and are greeted by the football team drunk out of their mind and singing some song I’d never heard. Symphony leads me into the kitchen and she takes a red cup. She sips some of it and cringes. “Ugh, vodka.” She shutters

I laugh at that. Kiera says “I’m gonna go find Ricky. See you two later.”

Kiera leaves us and Symphony says “Kiera has a thing for River’s brother.”

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