Nick talking to Alex

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NC: Hay Alex can I talk to you

AW: Sure what's up

NC: I really like your daughter but I don't know if she likes me

AW: I don't know you should ask her

NC: I don't want her to say no

AW: You don't know if you don't ask

NC: But I'm super scared

AW: Do you want to know who between ask between me and my wife

NC: Who

AW: Guess

NC: Let me guess... You

AW: You have got

AW: I was super scared and I had my brother to help

NC: Wait you have a brother

AW: Yes you want to meet him

NC: Sure

AW: HAY Aaron can you come here

A: Sure what's up

A: Who are you talking with

NC: Hi I'm Nick

A: Hay Nick I'm Aaron

NC: Nice to meet you Aaron

Aaron and Nick shakes hands

A: So I hear you have a crush on my niece

NC: How do you you know

A: I heard you Alex talking about before I got here

AW: He has a crush on Crystal

A: Oh I'm happy for you

NC: But, I don't know if she likes me

A: But do you love her

NC: Yes I do

NC: Hay Alex how did you she was the right person to marry

AW: Well I had someone else but we broke because we need a break and now I am so happy to be with Nessa if I wasn't then Crystal would not have been born

NC: A little too much

AW: I ask her a date and it was a surprise remember Aaron

A: yes I do she wouldn't stop bugging us where we going because I was bringing my date too

AW: She got it out of me and that when I fell in love with her

NC: Hay Aaron how did you find Roni then

A: Wait how do you know that name

NC: Crystal told me

A: that makes sense

AW: I forgot too

A: Alex you were there

AW: I was

A: Remember you kept throwing basketballs at me 

AW: OH yah

A: Where did you get the basketballs anyway

AW: Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to

A: Anyways let's get back to the story 

NC: yes

AW: Bro let's go somewhere

A: I don't want to

Throws a basketball at him

A:Then Alex asked me to go to the club

A: We go to the club and that's when I saw the most beautiful girl 

A: and the rest is history 

for the full story 

NC: I'm going to talk to her and ask her on a date

AW&A: Good luck

End of chapter 25

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