Part 2

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The wellknown Irish accent made my stomach ache and I swallowed multiple times. He introduced himself as Niall. When he mentioned the name Mullingar, I slowly cracked inside and I got up insanely fast and almost ran towards the door. I explained to the professor really quick that I just had to go to the toilet. Instead, I collapsed by the wall outside of the classrom, and creeped down along it. I sighed and looked up. It was just so strange and peculiar, and so out of the blue. Irish, Mullingar. It was too much as once. I never talked to anyone about my dads death, so it was just... shocking at first. 

In the long lunch break, I sat by an empty table while I chewed on an apple. I always sat alone, and I didn´t mind. Most of the time, I preferred to accompany myself. I studied the amount of students that rushed to tables to sit with their friends. All of a sudden, a voice appeared behind me. At first I cringed a bit, but when I turned around to see the blonde hair, I sighed. "Can I join you?" he asked. Hearing that accent once again hurt. It was painful, but I tried to not think of it. "Sure" I mumbled, and he sat down at the other side of the table. "What´s your name?" he asked, and I looked up. His eyes were crazy blue, he was quite pale and he was wearing a simple, white t-shirt. "Jennifer" I answered indifferent. He sure as hell was not shy. I hated it when people just came up to me like that, but I never figured out why. Maybe because I realize how lonely I actually am and that I don´t have any social antennaes at all. Or maybe because I barely speak to other people and I never know what to respond. But I liked to think of it as if I had some sord of syndrome called I-Hate-People or something. "Nice to meet you. I just moved here from..." he started, but I interrupted him. "Sorry, I don´t wanna be your first, new friend here. Nor will I be your friend - ever - or bond with you just because you´re from Mullingar." He looked hurt by my rude comment, but I didn´t really care. I turned around and walked away from the table. Six months to go, I thought.

The next morning I slept in, and my mum didn´t notice because she left early and drove Nathaniel to the school. I sat up rapidly in the bed. "Shit!" I said, and ran over to my bathroom quickly. I was already an hour too late. I brushed my hair, put on some mascara, black jeans, Doc Martens shoes and a red, tight sweater and ran out the door. 

I was just in time for second period and I sat down by my desk right before the bell rang. It was science, and I was so glad I made it. Science is my favorite subject. It´s easy, it´s logical and you never have to question it. We were handed our recent tests and I was excited when I got A+ even though I didn´t actually study hard for that test. "Okay guys, we are starting up with a collaborative today. I have already put you all in couples." I waited for her to call my name. "Jennifer, you will be working with.... Niall." My heart sank and I was so dissappointed. I didn´t want to work with him at all. Please, just give me a cool theme, I thought. "Your assigment will be about hormones." I turned around and saw Niall smiling in a shy way. I sighed, and brought my books over to his desk. "We could meet at my place around five, if that´s okay?" he said, and I nodded. I was so relieved when the bell rang again. In a hurry I wrote down my number on a paper note and gave it to him. "Text me your address." He smiled at me and looked quite happy, but that wasn´t mutual, for sure.

I looked at my phone one more time, to make sure I was at the right house. Clew Str. 14B. I rang the door bell, and I was met by a younger girl. She was really cute. Her eyes were just as blue as Niall´s, and her hair was perfectly curled and stretched all the way down to her stomach. "Niall, the girl is here!" she screamed, and I smiled at her. "I am Lucy, are you my brothers girlfriend?" she said in a teasing way, and I laughed. "No, I´m not. We´re just in the same class. And I am Jennifer, nice to meet you Lucy." She laughed and ran away holding a teddy bear in her arms. "Hi" a raspy, yet light voice said. Niall was standing in front of me. I just smiled ignorant and cicked my shoes of. "Follow me." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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