Chapter Seven: En-Lightning

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Admittedly getting himself hooked back up to Bessie was a pain. It took more than four tries, and each time he nearly got more of that black asphalt on his frame. He still pressed on with his task, intent on seeing his idea to fruition... Considering the amount of surprise he had in store, he couldn't awaken Mater for help. He had made sure to see Liv enter her cone- number eight- before daring to start his task.

He got to pulling Bessie the second he could, attempting to find the balance between speed and quality. He still had a good portion of road to go, but if he was careful and managed a good time... He would be done before sunrise. Those thoughts kept him going, pulling Bessie at a pace that only a day ago would have him groaning in annoyance.

He had enough on his mind as it was.

His discovery earlier that day on the Doc had been nothing short of surprising. Sure, his past was kinda sad, but- he had been such a big racer!... And yet he left it all for this town? He could have made the others take him back, proven his worth- but no. He just.. Let himself vanish into obscurity.

"All I see are empty cups." Doc's voice rang in his head. He could see them now, see the prestige they offered and all the wealth they could give him... But was that life really worth it? He had seen these people. They were content as they were, Guido to Flo to Mater. "... Not to sound sappy... But I found family." Liv's voice took his thoughts back over what the cups represented. Prestige. Honor. A fast-track to the rich life, to a life of fame and girls and everything he ever wanted...

But no one in that life would actually care about him, would they? They would look at him and see the glory he had won, not... Him. The car behind the cup. There wouldn't be friends or family up there- just folks trying to grab him for a chance at stardom. He didn't look back at the town, but he could just about picture it... Here, no one cared about his status. They cared that he broke their road (his fault, honestly) but they had treated him... Like another car.

Not some ticket to fame.

Not some race car.

Just.... As he had shown himself. He sighed. He was going to do his best to make this up to them. He had already been shown kindness by two of them, and honestly... The thought of returning that kindness... It made his engine block soar in a way that he had never felt before.

Just then, his tires slipped onto clear road. He looked down. Only a few more feet. He pulled, mind flipping back to his plan. Get the road done.. Get at least something resembling rest... And then... He found himself grinning.

Had to get the road done first.

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His eyes opened slowly. Lightning smacked his lips, for a moment forgetting reality itself. His motherboard tilted and whined over what he was doing... Sunlight... Wait. Sunlight!- Lightning hit the button to his garage door. It opened, revealing a day that was already nearing its halfway point. He drove out, eyes flashing around the Cozy Cone lot. No one in sight. His eyes lingered on cone eight longer than he would like to admit before he finally got his mind back in order. Time for the next part of his plan- high time.

He merged onto the road. The entire town was down at the edge, where he had finished laying the asphalt only a few hours ago... Okay, more than a few. Still. He slowly sneaked down, engine quiet.

"Oh, dude... Are you crying?" Ramone questioned, raising his frame as he always would. The Chevrolet Impala had gotten a new coat of paint done- red. McQueen could have sworn he heard a faint sniff from Sheriff.

"No!- I'm happy! I don't have to watch him every second of the day anymore! I'm GLAD he's gone!!" McQueen shook his head. Red blubbered, tears pouring down to the freshly-paved road. Before anyone could react, he took off. The fire truck raced backwards and then right, swerving around Mater's junkyard and out of sight. A pile of tires fell to the ground as he passed. Lightning carefully drove up to Mater's side, eyes still on where Red had disappeared.

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