Châptër- 1

274 37 12

Holla! 🙈🙈🙌

Imma back with my chotu chotu updates.. 😁🙈💫

Kay I know I am late but still, I already mentioned that updates of this story will be very slow! 🐌🙈🔪

[The words inside these brackets will be translation.. In case if someone didn't understand]

Enough of my blabbering! Now enjoy chappy! 🙈


21 August; the Year 1947

It has been a week since our country is free from those British rulers. But the question is, Is our country really got freedom?

Is everyone in our country got independence?

Is everyone in our country are free to do anything they want?

No! Till now (year 2020) there is no freedom.

Before asking me ask yourself! Is it?

Agree or not?!


Somewhere in a village in Palwal ; A district in Haryana'

It was an rainy wheather, where we can see sky covered with black clouds, pouring out there emotions.

Some says 'It rains when heavens are sad'
Whereas Some says 'It rains when Heavens are Happy'

But whome to believe?

The question is 'Is Heaven sad or happy that it's raining?!'

We Don't know it's true or not and maybe no one knows...

Screen stops at a House. It was nor too huge nor too small. Three  men's and a old Woman were sitting in 'baramda', waiting for the new member of their family, errmm most probably for a 'boy' child.

Screams of a woman were the only thing we can hear along with thundering sounds of clouds.

After felt like years her screaming finally stopped and just then we heard a wailing of the baby.

All the mens of the house stood up waiting to know the gender of Baby.

And just like a typical scene, a lady came from the room and informed them about the baby...

"Thaari lugaai ne chori ko Janam diya hai!"

["Your wife gave birth to a Girl."]

Hearing her men's faces fell. They expected that child to be a boy....

After that they didn't even bothered about child and get back to Temple present in their house.. Not because of thanking god but because Arguing with god. Asking him why he gave them a girl Child?

They thought God is punishing them for their sins of their last birth by giving them a Girl as a child. Not aware bout The blessing god gave them In form of a Girl..........

To be Continued....

Next will be Intro of Our Hero😉😁..

Please stay tuned..

PS. There will be a huge age gap between our Heroine and our Hero.. about 13 - 14 years!
Don't kill me later okay?! 🙈👾

Kay bye guys..

Lou u! 😇🤧💫

With love,

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Hurdles Of Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें