Chapter 3

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I woke up to my alarm clock. I groaned and hit stop then layed back down. I'm not going to school today considering how my face looks. Not even makeup can fix that. 5 minutes later my alarm went off again. My eyes shot open and I sat up. I grabbed my alarm clock threw it across the room. It hit the wall and I watched as it shattered into pieces. I sighed and layed back down. A few hours later I woke up and stumbled into my closet. I threw on a grey shirt with a blue and white plaid shirt over top (unbuttoned, kinda like a jacket), some jean shorts, and some combat boots. I left my hair down and didn't bother with makeup. I walked downstairs to see my dad asleep on the couch with a beer bottle in his hand and basketball was on the TV. I walked into he kitchen and made and omelet and some bacon. I quietly ate it then ran back upstairs. I grabbed my laptop and crawled on my bed. I sat with my legs crisscrossed as I opened my laptop and logged onto my twitter to see I had a notification.

@Callie-fornia:@Lexid_hates_you Where are you ?? I need you, it's all alone here at school without you !!

@Lexie_hates_you:@Callie-fornia I'm not feeling well, sorry.

@Callie-fornia:@Lexie_hates_you Aww sorry !! I hope you feel better !!

I stayed on twitter for a couple more hours until it was like 7:00 PM. I closed my laptop and looked at my broken alarm clock. I sighed. I have to go out and get a new one. I put on a hoodie and a pair of sunglasses and walked downstairs. I put my hood up right before I walked out. As I was walking to the store I saw Ross. Just my luck! He can't see me like this ! He'll ask questions that I really don't wanna answer. Why is he even out this late?! I put my head down as I walked past him. I sighed as I passed him up then the wind blew and knocked my hood off. Seriously?!

"Lexie?" I heard Ross' voice.

I stopped and closed my eyes tight.

"Hey Ross" I said.

"Are you trying to avoid me?" He asked.

I sighed.

"No I just don't want you to see me right now" I said.

"What? Why?"he asked then he grabbed my arm and spun me around.

He gasped and stared at my in shock. I took my sunglasses off and just stared at him. He brought his hand to my face a wiped under my black eye. I winced and he pulled away.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

Tears filled my eyes as I looked at him.

"Nothing, it's-it's fine, I'm fine" I said.

He stared at me as his eyes softened.

"No you're not" He said.

Tears flooded my eyes and as a few streamed down my cheeks I ran into his arms and sobbed into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered soothing things into my ear.

"Who did this to you?" He asked.

"I can't tell you" I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because he said he'll beat until I'm almost dead" I said.

"He?!" Ross asked.

"Just please don't tell anyone, I'm trusting you Ross!" I said and walked away.

I walked in the store and bought an alarm clock then ran home. When I walked on the door my dad stood in front of me with anger on his face.

"To think you would have learned your lesson !!" He screamed.

He wrapped his hands around my neck and started choking me. I wrapped my hands around his wrist and tried to get them off but he was too strong. I could feel my breath shortening and my vision started blurring. I reached around me trying to find a weapon of use when my hand wrapped a vase. I grabbed it and smashed it over my dad's head. He fell on the floor and grabbed his head. I went to run but he grabbed my ankle causing me to fall. He crawled over top of me then I felt a very bad pain in my leg. I looked down to see that he jammed a piece of glass into my thigh. Then he started punching my face with all his strength. He then grabbed me by my hair and started banging my head on the ground. He stood up and started kicking me with all his strength when I grabbed his leg and twisted it causing him to fall on the floor. Then I grabbed a piece of glass and jammed it into his stomach. I stood up and ran out the door. Pain shot through my body but I had to keep pushing myself knowing that he would soon start chasing me. I only knew one place where I could go. Callie's. I would go to the Lynch's but they live further away and I don't know them that well. I looked behind me to see my dad running after me. With all my strength I sped up. When I turned I was on Callie's street. Please be awake Callie!!

"CALLIE!!"I screamed.

"CALLIE!! HELP ME!!" I screamed.

I heard a door open and Callie ran out. When she saw me coming she gasped. I ran into her yard then into her house. She shut the door and locked it then sat on her knees next to me.

"Lexie! What happened?! Who was that?!" She asked worried.

I sobbed as pain shot through my body. I looked down at the glass jammed in my thigh. Callie gasped when she saw it. Blood was running all down my leg. She got up and disappeared from the room then came back with 5 dish towels and her mom. Her mom, Grace, gasped when she saw me. She ran over to me and helped me lean against the wall for support. I looked down and sighed.

"I gotta get that out" I said.

I wrapped my hands around the piece of glass and used all the strength that I had left to pull it out. I screamed and Callie put a towel over it. My blood soaked the towel in seconds and she applied another one. Grace got up and ran upstairs. She ran back down a few seconds later with a first aid kit. She pulled out some things for stitches and for cleaning my wound. She put some stuff on a towel and put it on my wound which caused a horrible sting. I took in a sharp breath as she continued to clean it then she stitched it up. Then Callie came out with a wet towel and started wiping all the blood off of my face. I grabbed it from her and wiped it all off then wiped the blood from my leg.

"Man! This was my favorite outfit!"I said.

Callie looked up at me like I was crazy but then we bursted out laughing which soon turned into me crying. Callie hugged me and let me sob into her shoulder.

"Who was that man?"Callie asked.

"My dad" I said.

She looked at me shocked.

"I think I have an idea of why you didn't want me to meet your dad now" She said.

I chuckled and wiped away my tears.

"My mom just bought a ton of ice cream so how about we go upstairs and look at pictures and videos of Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki while stuffing our faces?" She said.

I chuckled. Me and her are both OBSESSED with Jensen and Jared. We love Supernatural.

"Sounds like a plan" I said.

We walked, well I limped, upstairs with ice cream in hand then she pulled out her laptop and did exactly as we planned. We rewatched episodes of Supernatural when a thought came to my mind.

"I'm gonna have to go back" I said.

"What?! No! No way! I'll talk to my mom about you staying here but you are NOT going back to that house" She said.

"Okay, say I can stay, I would still have to go back for my things" I said.

She sighed. Then she looked at me.

"We should go to the cops! I mean you have proof of what he did to you and we could easily get him locked up!" She said.

I gave her and unsure look.

"Oh come on! What could go wrong?!"She said.

"He breaks out of prison and comes and kills me" I said.

"It's worth the risk! Either way he wants to kill you!" She said.

I sighed. Maybe it isn't such a bad idea. Maybe she's right. Oh what am I kidding! Something would go wrong ! Something  always goes wrong ! But I guess it is worth the risk ...

"Fine" I said, finally making up my mind.

She smiled. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"I may have called the Lynch's..." She said.

"What?! I don't want anyone to know about this!" I said.

"Oh come on! They make you happy, and you like Ross!" She said.

I told her about my crush on Ross and she was totally excited about it. I sighed and all of a sudden they busted in the room and I looked at them. Ross looked at me with guilt written all over his face. Then they all crowded around me and started asking me a ton of questions like what happened and why I didn't tell them. Then I noticed one Lynch was gone. Ross.

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