14 | james

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"Alex your little rat give me back my phone" Alex had taken Lewis's phone when he saw him mention their potential trip to Barbados in a conversation between Lewis and Joe. 

James were walking calmly, beside him were Alex and Lewis jumping and chasing each other. James noticed Alex panicked panting begining to calm down, and Lewis histerical laugh turn into fear of some sort.

James turned around and saw the two boys completly still. Alex gave the phone back to Lewis. "thanks" it was barely hearible.

"what is going on?" James was very confused. "nothing really" Lewis assured him and James decided to ask about it later and to not make the situation any worse. 

for the rest of the walk James was in the middle, working as some kind of barier between Alex and Lewis. James was somewhat worried. he wished they would tell him but maybe it wasn't his place at all. it probably had something to do with the two of them, and they needed to talk about it sooner or later. they do live together now and they can't avoid each other. 

when they got to their cabin once again, James sat down on the couch in the living room. he realized Alex - who directly went to the kitchen to grab a can on soda - seemed a little out of it.

"hey alex!" James gained Alex's attention. "grab me one too" Alex took out another fanta orange from the frigde and threw it to James. 

James insisted for Alex to get on the couch with him but Alex refused. he said he needed to properly pack up his things. James called bullshit. he decided that since there was no way to convinse Alex, he needed to involve some forse.

"come here you absolute rebel" James ran in Alex's direction. James exaggurated his arm movments as he ran until the point that Alex actually thought they might fall off. James picked up Alex and carried him to the sofa. 

"what the hell, man" Alex tried to act angry but James could see the corners of Alex's mouth were slightly bent upwards, even if Alex tried him best to keep them down. 

James idea was origanally to interrogate Alex but he didn't want to ruin the mood.

they watched animal planet for two hours, mostly talking though. James felt a strong urge to invite Lewis but once again, he didn't want to ruin the mood. something told James that Lewis wouldn't want to watch the chosen tv anyways.


Alex was now laying down on the pretty small couch. his head was resting on the armrest and feet placed in James lap. James found the position a bit uncomfortble. he couldn't quite relax until Alex told him it was getting late and he needed to get ready for the football training. 

"yeah of course. tell me how it went when you get home." "i will if you're not asleep." James turned to face Alex who now was standing behind the couch. " what, at seven something?" Alex giggled. "i don't know when you go to sleep." "well it's not seven pm that's for sure" Alex quietly showed his understanding and went into the bathroom. 

James looked at Lewis bedroom door, contemplateing whether or not to go in and speak to him. James is not close to Lewis. Alex is the one of them that he knows the best, and does he even know Alex that well? he decided Lewis might find it weird or uncomfortable if James came in to talk to him so he would just stay on the sofa. 

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