"I think I should proably go with Master, I mean...we all really should agree to Master. He never did a bad decision in his life so yeah...I'll go with him" Shinobu nodded and continued to focus on the situation

"Please, punish both Kamado and Tomioka, the demon slayer corps will kill the demon." Sanemi angrily said but Master ignored it

"Well then...the letter"

I stayed really quiet to the rest of the event of what is happening. Even mentioning the name of Kibutsuji, I still kept quiet until this bastard tried to prove that the demon will eat people.

So he made a small cut through his arm to make the blood flow out. But didn't he think that the demon won't come out if it is under the sunlight? Wow, genius.

But not until he got called out. I almost laughed again but calmed myself and looked at the situation happening

The kid shouted his sister's name but he got elbowed by Obanai in return

At the situation infront of me, Sanemi slashed again through the box making the demon bleed more. "Come out demon, I've got the human blood you crave!!" Sanemi shouted to the demon who was inside the box

The box slowly opened and a girl showed up with a bamboo muzzled on her mouth. Her mouth is starting to water.

"Iguro, you're pushing him down too hard. Please ease up a little" Shinobu calmly said to Obanai

"But he keeps trying to break free, y'know?"

"Kamado, if you try to use breathing techniques while he's compressing your lungs, you'll rupture blood vessels" She recommended but it has no avail

"Rupture blood vessels?! The sounds cool! Good! Do it! Rupture them!!!" I face palmed at Uzui's words

The boy started moving so roughly...is he trying to escape? Or trying to save his sister? He screamed and tried to get out of Obanai's grip. A hand immediately took Obanai's hand so Tanjiro could go.

I looked behind and saw Giyuu.

I ignored the two of them and looked again at the situation infront of us "Nezuko!!!!!!" The kid shouted again

I can see that his life is flashing in his eyes now, just like the other anime protago- stop breaking the fourth wall damn it.

Aaannnddd this Nezuko girl turned away from the blood. Interesting demon hm?

"Wait! That was only because this Tanjiro boy was calling out her!" Sanemi shouted " Let me try to stab her again then!!" But before he could, I jumped into the situation and blocked the demon girl.

"Enough Scar-face, you already saw this girl's kindness" his sword sliced through my arm, I groaned at the pain.

"What happend?" Asked Oyakata-sama

"Shinazugawa stabbed her three times then offered his bloody arm for her feed, but she controlled herself and turned away in disgust. Shinazugawa tried to stab her again but Akari-san jumped to block the sword away from the demon"

"I see, was Akari get stabbed?"

"Nope, but she got a deep cut on her right arm"

"Oh my...are you okay Akari?" He asked me with an apologizing tone

"I'm fine, just-" I groaned again and held on my right hand "a little pain, I can still go on to the meeting"

"I don't think you could, just hold on a bit and I might dismiss you early"

"B-but!-" I tried to stop him

"I don't want any of my children get hurt, besides the other hashiras will explain the meeting we had right?" The other hashiras nodded

"Well then, Nezuko have proven she won't attack people"

As he was speaking, me and Nemi-san is arguing, "Why did you even blocked the sword?!" He half whisper, half shouted at me

"Well because you were being a dumbass and you could have been killed this demon girl!" I did the same

"It's a demon why would you not-"

"Nemi-san, it was proven that this girl won't attack anyone right? But you wanted to stab her again, what kind of brain do you have?!"

"Tch, you're really annoying."

"You're more annoying" I backfired at him, I stick out a tongue at him and made a teasing face. I held on my right hand tighter so that only small amount of blood will ooz out.

"Sanemi and Obanai do not be mean to younger children" our master said to the both of them

"As you wish" "Understood" both of them spoke with respect

"That is enough talk on this subject, Tanjiro you may leave. It is time for the hashira council begin"

"Kamado and Mitsui-san can wait for us in my mansion" Shinobu suggested, she clapped a few times and her kakushis have arrived.

"I can just walk, my hand is the only one that is injured so no thank you" I said to the one kakushi, so she bowed to me and helped the other kakushi instead

As I was walking alone to the mansion, I saw Kanao with the butterflies surrounding her. I only stared at her for a few minutes until the three have arrived.

"Took you so long"

"I'm sorry Mitsui-sama! This boy went to talk to Oyakata-sama and got hit with a rock in return" I chuckled and nodded

"Oh! There's someone else here"

"That's um...oh right! It's a tsuguko!"

"What's a tsuguko?" The boy asked

"See it by yourself" I said calmly "Oh and her name is Kanao Tsuyuri"

"A tsuguko is a corps fighter who's being trained by a Hashira, only the most talented and highly skilled fighters get selected. And she's a girl, impressive huh?" The kakushi explained

"We come on orders from lady Kocho, may we enter the mansion?" She stayed still and smiled at us "May...we?" The kakushi repeated, she still smiled

"Who the hell are you??!!" I guess Aoi saw us already. I turned around and bowed at me, then turned around to look at the other.

The kakushis started to stutter the words they were saying. "Are you a Kakushi? He's injured eh? Even you Mitsui-sama?" I nodded "Come this way"

We all followed Aoi until we reached into a certain room where there were screams. A yellow haired boy complaining about medecines

"Oh and you will go to that room" she pointed at room beside here, I nodded and went there

"This is going to be a loooongggg day..." I sighed

...chapter 3/end...

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