Part 1

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"Jen, you will be too late for school if you don´t hurry up now" my mother called, stressed as usual, and I didn´t hesitate before I answered. "Mom, I use approximately eleven minutes and thirty two seconds to go to school. It is now seventeen minutes and twenty eight seconds to school starts. Considering I am done, I think I actually won´t be too late." She just looked at me as if I was the biggest pain in her ass, and rolled her eyes. But underneath the serious face expression, I could definetely glimpse something that reminded me of a smile. 

My mother, Bailey Stewart, was my hero. After my dad died from cancer two years ago, she worked her ass off as a nurse to be able to provide for herself, me, and my little brother Nathaniel, who was soon to be ten years old. I had six months to go until graduation from Westminster High School. No way I´d stay in this hole for another second after that, hell no - I wanted to attend college in USA. Everything about this city was just horrible. Everyone went out to party and rebel in the weekends. Well, not everyone, but most teenagers. The population was about 11000 inhabitants and I always imagined that the average age was 50 or more. Obviously, it wasn´t though. 

First period was history, a subject I disliked. A lot. I still got straight A´s, but that was because I always studied my butt off every day. I found it ridicolous that we had to learn about so called adventurers that discovered China or whatever, but fair enough. I guess they had to make up a story about that, too. I was the first to approach the classroom, no one except my teacher was there yet. Mrs. Connor was one of my favorite teachers in the entire school, she was also my teacher in science and math, my two best subjects. "Hey Jennifer, how was your weekend?" she asked and welcomed me with a warm smile. I walked towards my desk. "Well, you know. I read a lot of books. And I studied for the test on Wednesday" I mumbled, and smiled back. She just studied me for a second before she took off her glasses. "Jennifer... you should really go out sometime. With a few other students, just leave your books at home and enjoy your youth." I nodded, but then I shoke my head. "It´s OK though, really. I like to study. It´s kind of my hobby." She smiled a smile that looked dissappointed, and turned to the black board to continue writing. 

Throughout the day, I didn´t do much. I went to the cafeteria to grab a bite, but besides that, I tried as hard as I could to avoid self centered, delusional teenagers with way too much make up or too expensive clothes. People like that made me want to vomit. In fourth period, English, our professor told us that we´d get a visit from a boy later that day. I didn´t quite process it much, we had new students coming at times, but most of them moved back to their previous cities. That wasn´t a shock to me. Suddenly, it knocked on the door, and I could immidiately recognize a familiar accent. At first I thought it was my dad, but I was dissappointed when I saw the blonde boy standing in front of us. Irish. 

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