hold my hand.

68 2 0

TW// suicidal intentions

11th grade
Rhett's POV
I peddled up the hill and sighed when I saw Link was already there with a goofy grin on his face and his arms crossed. "Finally here, dork!"
"I only know one dork and his name is Charles." I put my kickstand down.
"Who's that?" He asked, dumbfounded.
I laughed a bit. "What?"
"Who is Charles?"
I looked him in the eyes. "You." I walked towards the edge and sat down, my legs dangling off the side.
"Oh." he held out as he realized. He followed and sat next to me. We talked for a little while about how school has sucked. "I missed you." Link smiled, looking at me with his gorgeous blue eyes.
"It's only been one day." I awkwardly chuckle. I felt bad, that seemed mean. "I missed you too, though. You and your stupid freaking accent." I teased, pinching his cheek.
"Oh you-" I giggled and quickly hopped up and started running. He was out to kill me for that. I ran and found a spot and breathed. I smiled, thinking I was safe. All the sudden, I realised I was wrong. He pulled my arm over towards him and I stumbled. "You... freaking... loser!" He replied while kicking and punching me jokingly. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Me? A loser? I'm not the one kicking and punching like a toddler!" I teased. He stopped and looked up at me.
"You thought you could hide while being 8 foot 22? You really are dumb." He smirked. With no real thought, I grabbed him and threw him over my back and ran back towards the edge. I put him back down on the ground by where we had parked our bikes and walked back over to where we were sitting. "Were you scared?" I chuckled as he walked back over.
"No." He replied, unable to hide the quiver in his voice. "Back to what we were here for."
"Are you sure about this?" I nervously asked, looking off the edge.
"N-not if you don't want to."
"No, of course I do! Well, I will only do it if you want to."
"Well then, let's test fate I guess!"
"So you're saying that if we don't make it, it was meant to happen?"
"I guess, but..." We looked into each other's eyes. "No matter what happens, Rhett, just always know" he held my hand. "I love you." I smiled back. Link counted down from three, and we jumped. Holding hands, we smiled and splashed into the giant lake below us. I pushed myself up from the water. Less than a second later I heard a gasp.
"We made it!" He cried out.
"We did!"
"Let's get back to shore." I nodded and we swam towards the rocky beach. I sat down and then pulled his arm to help him catch up.
"Gotcha buddy!"
He giggled. We sat quietly for a second, admiring the clouds. "Can I be honest with you?"
"O-of course you can! You're my best friend!"
"You know, I came up with this idea with the intention of... you know... ending it."
I was shocked. Link had always been such a happy guy. Ever since we were kids! "Why?"
"I-I felt guilty! And I thought it was impossible! But if I did it, I wanted you to be happy with it. I wanted you to know if I died I wanted to. Therefore the whole 'testing fate' thing."
"You felt guilty, fo-for what?"
"I..." he put his head in his hands. "God I feel so stupid." He started to cry.
"No no no Lincoln, Link buddy, what's wrong? Tell me! I'd do anything for you!"
He looked up at me, tears streaming down his red cheeks. "I felt guilty for loving you, Rhett." We stared at each other in silence for a bit. He quickly looked back down. "I-I'm sorry I did this to you. I-I should go." He pushed himself up and started to walk away.
"NO WAIT!" I grabbed his wrist. He looked back at me, I was still sitting on the beach. "I... I love you too, Link. I really mean it, I really do! I was just... always so scared of telling you. I didn't want to lose you." I was now crying as well. "I guess you're more of a man than me." I chuckled, wiping away tears. He looked down at the rocks, processing everything.
"Rhett... is this real?" He whispered, staring into my eyes.
"I sure hope it is." I smiled.

Luckily, it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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