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"Tenn-nii... your eyes" Riku said, gazing upon Tenn's glossy eyes. He could tell that Tenn wanted to just let it all out, but he was forcing himself to keep his composure. He would make the small cries minimal and kept on sniffing his nose. Riku extended his arm to rub his siblings' shoulder. "Te-"

Tenn quickly tugged Riku's arm and pulled it closer to him. He cupped his arms under Riku's and held onto his shoulders from behind, holding onto him. Riku felt Tenn's anxious heartbeat. He was also trembling. "I'm... I'm sorry" Tenn said, his voice being caught up with his sadness and guilt. Riku wrapped his arms around Tenn.

"I'm not sure what you're apologizing for but-"

"PLEASE... let me apologize to you Riku"

Riku didn't reply, but instead gently pushed Tenn's head towards his body, letting his tears that managed to escape, sink through his clothing. The two stayed in that position for a bit, until Tenn managed to calm down a bit. Riku pulled himself back from the hug. "Tenn-nii, what happened? You usually aren't like this" he said, with a serious, yet concerned gaze in his eyes. Tenn refused to make eye contact with Riku, his eyes were staring down to the right. Riku wiped Tenn's tears, catching him off guard, and for once the two were looking at each other. Tenn's raw emotions were exposed to his younger sibling. His face, pale, but with red areas specifically around his eyes, nose, and cheeks. "I've been so horrible to you Riku... and I don't even think that apologizing for all the things that I've done can do any good at this point... I critique way more than I compliment when I talk to or about you and it was today, because of Izumi Iori-san, that I realized that the way I treat you, not as a rival, but also as a brother is truly unacceptable... When... when I was first starting as an idol, I was being treated the same way, always being told that I needed to do better, that I need to fix 'x, y, and z'. I was told that 'oh, we're just trying to help you', and after years and years of growing up with that kind of 'support', it has become a part of me, it's what I know as 'support', but it's not... it's not 'support' if you're constantly pushing someone down but not helping them get back up. I feel like if I keep acting this way towards you...". Tenn clutched his hand and placed it over his chest. Riku remained silent.

"... that I might 'break' you, that you'll change the way you are, your nature, and end up... like me...... and I don't want you to be like me, I want to be like you, like Nanase Riku, the cheerful, and clumsy idol who wants to spread happiness and smiles to everyone you can reach" he added, bringing up a small smile. He lowered his hand onto his lap. "I know I said that I was going to forget that I had a brother with a health condition... but... I must never forget that you are human, you have feelings; that you are doing your best and that sometimes because you have asthma, it can... you know". Tenn was rubbing his thumb, nervous. Riku placed his hand over Tenn's and the older brother looked at him. "I know" he replied, somewhat sad. "It's okay if you don't accept my apology, I would completely understand... you have the right to feel that way towards me, I-"

"Tenn-nii" Riku said, interrupting him. "I forgive you". The weight that was pressing onto Tenn internally suddenly lifted. "Really?" he asked, confused. Riku gave a warm smile and nodded. Tenn's eyes started to become glossy again. "You're too forgiving" he jokingly said through his tears. Riku chuckled, and the two gave out a few laughs.

"I also want to apologize for not believing you when we were younger... Izumi Iori-san mentioned that Osaka-san was fighting for you to stay and recover at the dorms for the same reason you said when we were younger. I thought...Riku?" Tenn stopped talking, realizing that Riku's face was turning red. "How many other people know about me feeling worse when I stay at hospitals?!" he said, full of embarrassment. Tenn narrowed his eyebrows. "Hmmm, well, I think that everyone here knows. Osaka-san must have mentioned it to everyone before they left in the morning". Riku gripped onto his bedsheet. "Wuaaa~ how embarrassing" he said, covering his face with the blanket.

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