It wasn't that he actually thought others would not see him like this, he just didn't want to see anyone or anything.

Being unable to see anything, hear anything... was enough.

"Cheng-ge," Gu Fei called out to him, having walked up to his side at an unknown point and time.

"Cheng-ge, my ass." Jiang Cheng muffled, burying himself between his knees and arms, "Are you fucking younger than me?"

"I'm younger than you by a month," Gu Fei answered.

"You motherfucker." Jiang Cheng was so shocked by that that he couldn't even bury his head anymore, so he looked back up instead. "You even fucking know my birthday?"

"I saw your ID card when you fainted from the fever that day," Gu Fei replied. "I brought a person back to my house without any rhyme or reason, shouldn't I be clear about who that person is?"

"Don't bother with me next time." Jiang Cheng once again buried himself within his knees.

"Want one?" Gu Fei asked.

Jiang Cheng looked out from the cracks between his arms; Gu Fei was holding a box of cigarettes in his hand. He closed his eyes, then after a few seconds, he reached out and took out a cigarette from the box.

"You have to keep it a secret about smoking here." Gu Fei also took out a cigarette and lit it up before handing over the lighter to him. "This studio forbids smoking since all the materials are flammable."

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything as he lit the cigarette and turned to look at the security camera at the corner of the wall.

"It's fine. She normally doesn't look at it," Gu Fei said.

"Did you laugh?" Jiang Cheng asked; his voice was a little hoarse as if he had been greatly wronged. He cleared his throat uncomfortably, "... when you took a peek at me?"

"In my head," Gu Fei said. "It was pretty funny at first, and even if I said I didn't, you wouldn't believe it anyway."

"En," Jiang Cheng sighed softly. "I often play alone like that, even when I played the tin whistle back then. 'Next, let us welcome the musical performance of the nameless tin whistle player, Jiang Cheng'."

Gu Fei laughed - so hard that the cigarette ash fell. He reached back to grab an empty beverage bottle and tap the ash inside it.

"You've never played like that before?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"No." Gu Fei shook his head, "But there's definitely a lot of people that relieve their boredom that way. Someone made a post on Si Zhong's forum in the past, saying that they can't sleep at night without having a full-blown performance, and many people replied below that they had the same interest."

"Really..." Jiang Cheng laughed.

"But it's also good that you now know that I saw you." Gu Fei stuck up his thumb, "I finally have a chance to say, Contestant Jiang Cheng, you are the most amazing person that I have ever seen with a slingshot."

"... thanks." Jiang Cheng picked up the slingshot that was thrown to the side and looked at it. "This is probably just a prop that's not meant to be used."

"But wasn't it still pretty accurate when you shot at me," Gu Fei stated.

"It wasn't. It was only enough to hit, that's all," Jiang Cheng said. "When it hit you on the leg, I was actually aiming for your ass."

"Oh." Gu Fei turned to look at him, "Why?"

"More meat on the ass," Jiang Cheng said. "Less likely to get injured."

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