Unhinged Stars

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*later at the castle Twilight and Dusk are looking at a blackboard with their pupils shrunken and their manes frazzled*

*Spike and Barbra are sitting at classroom-style desks pretending to take notes while actually writing scrolls*

Twilight/Dusk- *with their eyes being green* *yells* Spike! Barbra!

Spike/Barbra- *worriedly* Yes?

Twilight/Dusk- *eyes twitching with creepy grins* Pay...attention.

Twilight- *serious* We know one thing: There are zero potions involved. So as the Prince and Princess of Friendship, why our best friends and Discord and Eris are getting along so well...

Spike- *concerned* And you two want to do this because your jealousy is making you two lose it...

Dusk- *smirks* No. It's much more reasonable than that. If we know why and how they bonded, we can help even the most unlikely of ponies become best friends.

Both- *smiles* Solving this mystery could change friendship forever...*rather darkly* Or maybe it'll reveal what Discord and Eris are up to...

*the two work on their chalkboard*

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at the board* Ok, if they spent the last five days apple bucking, laughing at inside jokes, and posing for photos as a group *madly* without us! And hung out with Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Blitz for an unknown period of time, then to find X we must subtract from all the bad things Discord and Eris have done!

Barbra- *concerned* This isn't a fair equation. They haven't been good that many times.

Twilight/Dusk- *turns to herwith dark expressions with their eyes glowing green* Are you saying, our math is rigged.

Spike- *worriedly* She just means that they're still new to the friendship game.

Twilight/Dusk- *thinks* They are new to it. *serious* A little too new, not like Sunset and Glare are. *to Spike and Barbra* You two think we're jealous. *realizes*

Spike/Barbra- *concerned* Yes-

Twilight/Dusk- *the two slowly don demented grins* But what if that's what you're supposed to think? What our friends are supposed to think? *madly* THEY WANT TO SEPERATE US FROM OUR FRIENDS!

Spike/Barbra- *scared* *gets levitated in green magic*

Twilight- *madly* Don't you two see?! They want to get a reaction out of us like before! They wanted us to react like that!

Dusk- *holding Barbra* We've been wearing blinders but now they're coming off!

Spike/Barbra- *worried* What are you two talking about?!

Twilight/Dusk- *madly in unison* They can't seperate us from our friends if we become best friends with them! *chuckles evilly* *the two teleport off*

Spike/Barbra- *worriedly finishes writing the scrolls and sends them off and runs out the castle quickly*

*meanwhile in Chaosville and Discord and Eris' house the Mane 5 and Colt 5 are gathered at the dinner table with Discord and Eris wearing their ensembles by the group and are serving a multi-course dinner*

Rarity- *smiles* Between our suit and dress and this dinner, you two are the vision of a perfect lady and gentlemen.

Elusive- *smiles* And wonderful hostesses.

*Discord and Eris blush and fan themselves*

*they all hear the doorbell ring*

Rainbow- *confused* You two expecting someponies?

What About Discord and Eris?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ