XI. Flashbacks Told (11)

Start from the beginning

For a second Tityos looks confused, but that doesn't last long when a loud smash breaks the front window of the car. Octavian looks up to see his sister Aria, holding up a rock next to their mom.

"Go inside!" screams his mom.

Octavian runs at full speed into the building and climbs to where their apartment is. He trips and falls at the welcome mat. Ripping it from the ground, he grabs the key to the apartment and nervously opens the door.

When he makes his way into the apartment, the familiar smell of his mother's flowers fill his lungs, but he doesn't have time to enjoy it. Octavian runs to the window to look outside noticing the apartment was a mess. There were broken plates, furniture turned over, and pieces of broken rope on the floor.

Once he gets to the window, he makes out a few figures, but doesn't see any details because at that moment the car explodes in a shape of flames and smoke. A blinding light causes Octavian to stumble back.

He blinks quickly and runs back to the window. Flames. All he sees are flames. Choking back a sob, he falls on his knees. He starts to cry, the sobs racking his small frame. He lays down and pulls his legs to his chest, crying in utter shock to what had just happened.

Falling asleep, he dreams of his mother and sister only to wake up to find them gone. A knock at the door sends a shot of fear through his heart. "SFPD! Open up!"

He lets out a breath of relief, and gets up to open the door. He sees a couple police officers and a woman. She walks over to him and asks, "Are you Octavian?"

He nods, emptiness spreading throughout him.

"Listen," she says softly, "There was an accident. Your stepfather's car exploded, we're not sure how, but we're working on it. Your sister and mother were nearby when the explosion happened. I'm afraid... I'm afraid they didn't make it."

Octavian stands there, looking straight into the eye of the social worker. No more tears, no more self-pity. He takes off running, managing to take the cops by surprise, which in turn gives him a headstart.

He runs past the crime scene, not checking to see the bodies and runs into the woods. The sun was setting and he just wanted to be as far away as possible.

When Octavian reaches the edge of the forest and into a suburb area, he crashes into a girl, sending them both to the ground. They look at each other for a second and he recognizes her as the same girl he would have been partners with... Amy? 

Having a conversation was the last thing he wanted at that moment, so he gets up and starts running full speed away from her.

"Octavian!" she yells, but he's almost too far away to hear, "I'm sorry–"

It gets dark and Octavian is exhausted. He eventually reaches a strange house in the woods. Hungry and tired, he breaks in and collapses at the floor.

Through what feels like a long slumber he hears two voices. A man and a woman.

"You have a nerve to show up here." says the woman.

"It was an emergency Lou–" responds the man.

"Don't call me that." she snaps.

He sighs and says, "You need to help him, train him."

"Why would I do that?"

"There was an incident today..."

"Involving Greeks?"

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