Going Out With A Bang

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It was a speedy recovery that I was in but it was a boring one too. For days on end I just sat on my chair, in my bed or out beside the pool to get my daily sun intake. Many people visited too. Emma, Tomo, Shannon, publicists and Jared visited nearly everyday if he could. But one day another person visited. I was in my living room watching 'The Shawshank Redemption' or some shit when the doorbell rang. I checked the time and it was 11:45pm. Now, by the time it gets to about 7:00 I'm not getting my ass off of this couch. And by that time I don't answer the door to anyone; if it is Jared or the other three, they just come in. So I ignored it but it rang for the second time and third. I muted my movie and sat for a moment then the ringing stopped. I put the sound up again on my tv and continued to watch it. Then suddenly there was a smash from upstairs...

I jumped then froze. Shit.

"I'm not dying..." I mumbled. "Nope, not today." I said again to myself and hopped off from the couch to my phone. It was dead...and so was I now.

I thought and thought until I came to an idea, I always have a bad-boy of a knife under the couch. I bent over quickly and searched for the knife under me until I found it. I looked at how the tip shone the light from the small lamp behind me.

"You seem prepared..." I voice crackled and made my head dart to where it came from. Then there he was. He stepped out slowly showing himself in the light. His suit was tattered and unwashed and his hair matched. He had one arm behind his back and one resting by his side.

"Mr Meener...what are you doing here?" I stuttered. He smiled a wicked smile as if it was stupid question.

"Just checking up on you Miss Ellis. How are you feeling since your accident? I hope your leg is recovering well." He said looking me up and down.

"Thanks...now can you go?" I said and his hidden arm appeared holding a gun in it's hand. I gasped silently and looked up to his face again which looked sinister.

"What? I've just got here!" He laughed and swung the gun around which made mu stomach turn.

"Would you like to sit down? Your leg must be hurting." He continued but I shook my head.

"SIT DOWN!" He bellowed and I followed the order.

"Now, I believe you are well?"

"Yes, you could say that." I nodded and he began to hover around the room which was making me even more nervous.

"That's good. It's good to know that the big star is doing well huh? Got a secure business path, a big warm house and some loving friends...and what have I got?" He growled and smashed a vase into the fireplace.

"What do you m-mean?" I shuddered and he chuckled.

"My career has near enough burned to the ground, my parents don't want anything to do with me, I have no money and do you know who made that all happen?" He asked walked over to me. I shook my head and he grabbed my T-shirt.

"You're the one! You did this to me!" He shouted and threw me across the room.

I whimpered and rolled over onto my belly to hoist myself up to see him walking towards me once again. I shook with fear when I looked in his eyes. They were full of evil and hatred. Was he going to kill me?

"How did I?!" I yelled back.

"You ruined everything!" He screamed and kicked my leg.

I cried out in pain wishing and praying for someone to open the door or the police to come crashing through my windows like something out of a National Lampoon's film. Hugh grabbed a part of my long hair and tugged on it causing me to moan in agony. He looked into my eyes and whispered.

"Where's your loving little boyfriend now?" He snarled.

Oh my god...someone help me. What is it that people say about death? I read on this site that when a person dies, the brain has 7 minutes of activity left. It's the mind playing back the person's memories in a dream sequence. What memories do I have? Growing up poor, having to endure someone telling me that my father had died, my accident years ago...but I met Jared, Kim, John and the other guys. Wait- I never said goodbye...


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