Episode 9 Capture

Depuis le début

Mothra: How is his personality?

Dilo: His extremely kind and honest, his soft, the girls at the school calls him adorable and cute. Even I think his too pure for this world, his a bit of a scary cat, but he can be brave too sometimes.

Mothra: What does he like?

Dilo: A lot of thing, but for what I hear he mostly likes you.

Mothra: *blushing* really?

Dilo: He loves your wings, he likes your figure and really things you beautiful too.

Mothra: *blushing* I want to see him now.

Dilo: What you like him or something?

Mothra: *blushing* Well..... Maybe.

Dilo: Can an Human and a Kaiju breed together?

Mothra: Perhaps it's possible. But Kaijus are ginormous and humans are very small.

Dilo: So is the size that prevent Kaiju and Human to breed together.

Mothra: Indeed. Well.... I am aware in the past that Kaiju had the ability to change their size into Human size.

Dilo: So Human and Kaijus breed together in the past?

Mothra: Yes, it the past human and kaiju were together as lovers. But that happen more then a trillion years ago. Now only full bred Kaijus exist.

Dilo: If full bred Kaijus exist, then why are there only one Kaiju of each specie? Why not more?

Mothra: There was a war in the past. Perhaps hundreds of years ago. Went the war ended, millions of different Kaijus specie die. My ancestors were one of the many of Kaiju specie that survive. Strangely enough only the female Kaijus survive, not a single male Kaiju survive. Gojira ancestor also survive, they were the one that stood at the top of all other Kaijus, as Kaiju alphas.

Dilo: Wow..... The Kaijus have so much back story.

Changing scene.

Gojira was teaching Noah how to absorb radiation.

Gojira: Before I teach you how to absorb radiation. You have to understand there are many types of radiation out there.

Noah: Like what?

Gojira: Liquid, Solid and Gas. Those are the three types of radiation there is. We can absorb liquid type radiation by drinking it. Solid radiation we can eat it like food, and Gas we absorb it with our body.

Noah: Which one will I do?

Gojira: Gas is the most difficult to do for a beginner. So there for you'll do Solid and Liquid. Take this.

She gives him a small rock.

Noah: It's just a rock.

Gojira: I gave this rock a tiny small fraction of my radiation. I want you to eat the rock. And don't worry your teeth and stomach are strong enough to take.

Noah takes a bite out of the rock.

Noah: I feel nothing.

Gojira: Just give it a second.

Noah felt something all over his body.

Noah: I feel a bit stronger.

Gojira: That was radiation does. It doesn't just fuel our stomach, but all the radiation goes to every part of our bodies, to give us more energy, more power to keep fighting. The more we absorb the more powerful we become.

Noah: Is there a limit to how much radiation a Kaiju can absorb?

Gojira: It solid depends on the Kaiju. Some can absorb little amounts of radiation, and some can absorb an extreme amount. I can absorb an extreme amount of radiation without a problem. You in the other hand can absorb very little radiation, remember you only have my blood and does it.

Kaiju girl, The Two Queens and the new KingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant