Devil's Advocate

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A knock on the door pulls Dozebel out of her thoughts.

"May I come in?" A deep masculine voice asked politely. Dozebel adjusted her posture, waiting for a few moments before standing up. She walked to the door and turned the door knob slowly opening the door.
The doctor walked in with a smile on his face, probably to cheer her up, he feels she always has a dark cloud around her eversince she got here.

"What are you staring at?" She asked in almost a whisper, looking at his face.

"He thinks you are cuuuteee."


"Oh! Sorry, I didn't realise that." He was surprised at the question.

"Alright then, are you ready for today's session?" He asked, motioning for her to sit down anywhere, maybe on the bed, floor, beside table, anything that made her feel comfortable. He settled himself on the plastic chair she was sitting earlier, blind to the residue that were quickly disintegrating into his skin as soon as he sat down.
Of course, she saw them but swiftly feigned ignorance and walked towards the bed to sit down on the soft fabric immersed in black, the blackness spread around the room, soaking in the real colors.

"You may proceed." Dozebel spoke softly, this is the seventh day of a new session.

"How do you feel today?" The doctor asked disrupting her thoughts.

She blinked, once, twice.. "Empty." She replied.

He wasn't surprised, he had similar answers from her before so he probed further trying to engage her in a deeper conversation.

" Emptiness happens at times, when you feel alone, stressed. I feel empty too at times but I can't feel like that all the time." He paused looking at her for an answer.

"Will you looook at that, what's he tryna do?"

"Must you comment on everything, can't you just keep quiet?!"

As if sensing his thoughts, she gave a humourless smile but said nothing. He sighed and rolled his eyes in defeat, he had never met someone as closed up like hers. She seemed impenetrable but he was gonna make a loop hole.

"Alright." He cheered up, "let's drop the books, pen and all. Tell me how do you stay here and stare out the window, don't you feel bored?" His eyes glistening mischievously.

"He wanna play dirty huh? I'll take over from here."

Now, he has her attention, something sparkled in her eyes.

"Oh my dear." She cooed,

"you can't imagine how hard it is, I haven't had fries in months!." She exclaimed jumping excitedly around him in circles.

He caught her left hand in the mid air, it was so cold, a chill ran up his spine, straight into his head. He pushed her away unconsciously and the coldness stopped but an eerie feeling lingered.
He looked down at her left palm then her, the smile plastered on her face already dropped.

"I'm sorry, i- I didn't mean to startle you, your hands, it's cold." He started at her for a while, studying her expression.

"Are you freezing?" The words left his mouth before he could catch them.

"No, not at all." She sighed and shrugged, her face has fallen back into its usual stare.

"Dozy dear, I think he's perfect... We've decided, we want him."

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