Chapter 6

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Louis P.O.V.

I don't know what walked into me. My intentions when sneaking out to spend the day with Harry weren't romantic at all. I swear I just wanted to give him my undivided attention, which is one of the main reasons why I went overseas at all. I didn't want to admit it back when I took the decision to visit Harry, as it was on the spur of the moment, but after what has just happened, I can't deny it to myself anymore. Besides missing him as friends, ever since we reconnected and started facetiming on a daily basis, my feelings for him have gradually changed, and in the worst way possible! Suddenly, all I looked forward to was seeing his face. I literally called him up under whichever guise, and when his face came on my laptop screen my heart would start racing like it used to do many years ago. At first, I thought this was due to the excitement of rekindling our friendship. Nevertheless, I'm not a teenager and I know my feelings for him weren't strictly platonic anymore. So, when the coronavirus situation worsened and lockdown was around the corner in the US, I refused to lose time. Because, with a global pandemic, who knows how many months quarantine can last? Nonetheless, in the back of my mind, I knew I basically dropped everything and crossed the ocean so as to clear my doubts and maybe fall out of love with him.

But, when he was comforting me and I felt so secure in his arms, I couldn't suppress my real emotions. The most imperative necessity washed over me, and I couldn't help but lean in and kiss him. When our lips crashed, I felt lightheaded. My heart was fluttering like it didn't in so long and although my rational mind knew I was cheating on my girlfriend, kissing him felt so right, and I wouldn't have pulled away, ever, if it hadn't been for the overwhelming reality check we both got, which was embodied by the one and only Eleanor.

Speaking of, though it saddens me profoundly, our relationship has experienced certain alterations since Harry and I reconnected. Eleanor has always been a bit protective, but I had never taken it that seriously as it really wasn't a big deal. However, she now has grown to be OVERPROTECTIVE, and a control freak. Such symptoms manifested for the first time when I told Eleanor that I was planning to pay Harry a visit and surprise him. All of a sudden, she gushed over how important it was for her to come with me as whatever happens next is uncertain. She would say that, she wouldn't want for the US' frontiers to be closed down while I was there, which would keep us apart for a while. I laughed it off and reassured her. However, she insisted so much that I couldn't say no. She even got a bit hysterical but I convinced myself I should feel flattered my girlfriend loves me so much, and that I would have the same fun with Harry even if she was around. I just hadn't thought of inviting her as in the past, thought she might not want to admit it, there was this unresolved tension between her and Harry. I wanted to avoid any awkwardness, but, you know, women can be pretty persuasive and, plus, I love her, so, I supposed there would be no issue at all. Nevertheless, I started paying more attention to her behaviour when she deprived me of staying the night at Harry's, having booked us a room at a nearby hotel without consulting me first. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not your typical male chauvinist, by a longshot, but I still would have appreciated that she would have let me know.

Regardless, I again shrugged it off and didn't dwell on it. I actually found it quite exciting when Harry and I settled for me to sneak out of our hotel room early in the morning so we could see each other. It reminded me of the times we were on tour, back in the group, when both of us would wake up first and just enjoy each other's company. Those were stressful times, but still beautiful. I was aware of the fact that Eleanor wouldn't enjoy my absence in bed when waking up, but I certainly did not except for her to make a scene, by breaking into Harry's house and yanking me away from the couch we were sitting on, like I was some kind of spoiled brat that had yet disobeyed again. I felt powerless and humiliated. Not only had she interrupted such a pivotal moment with respect to that afternoon, but she had also hurt Harry. I mean, the sadness in his eyes gave it away, and, as the sane person I thought she was, I couldn't comprehend how she didn't respect my wish to spend time with my best friend. Obviously, kissing him wasn't morally correct, but the fact that she keeps making decisions for me and controlling me as much is irking my nerves.

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