
15 1 1

Name: Mitsu Fujioka

Age: 16

Height: 5,7

Weight: 120 pounds

Apperance: Waist length purple hair, usually in a low bun, teal eyes and slightly tanned skin.

Creadits to the artist   Personality: Sassy, careless and free, kind (not often), sarcastic, cares alot about others even if she doesn't show it, pychotic at times

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Creadits to the artist
Personality: Sassy, careless and free, kind (not often), sarcastic, cares alot about others even if she doesn't show it, pychotic at times

Likes: Gold fish, skating, spicy stuff, Kaminaris jokes, pussy and dick, her costume, herself

Dislikes: All for one, villans, Deku crying, her father, lollipops

Faviorate food: Gold fish

Hero name: The multi quirked hero: Saphy


Laser eyes: can shoot blue hot lasers from her eyes, if used too much can cause the person to tear up

Disentigrating fire: Can produce this kind of light blue fire from her palms that can turn people into ashes (like sangwoo ;0), if she uses it too much her skin will start to feel relly hot and sher body tempeture will go up

Vines: User can produce an endless amount of vines from her palms and fingertips, there is not backlash but she cant manipulate the vines anymore once they are cut, they are really storng making it hard to cut unless user does it herself.

Cannibalism: After a user bites into a person or drinks their blood, someway somehow, she is able to get their memorys, strength, quirks and can even turn into them for short periods of times. Might be disturbing to some people, can see shitty memoriues also, gives her momentarly headaches

C a s t

Assasination classroom

Black butler

Attack on titan



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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