"Left then right then up the corridor then to the right again and the take another left and then third door on the left," he tells her but she just rolls her eyes. 

"I'll get the TARDIS to help me get there. Thanks anyways," she tells him and walks down the corridor. "Now, I'll go to bed if you help me find where my room is. Alright?" Galaxy asks and then the corridors light up.


Doctor's wife's P.O.V: Dream

I'm running away from a dalek. Lots of daleks. They're after me because they're scared of me and my husband. The Doctor and I are the only people the daleks are scared of. "Exterminate," the dalek says before I get shot with one of the beams. I fall to the floor but I turn around and see the daleks coming towards me. "The Guardian is dying. We have succeeded." I feel my hands starting to tingle and I look at the daleks. "Oh, but I'm not though. You're too late," I tell the daleks whilst getting up. "Now, before I regenerate and destroy you, is there anything you want to say?" I ask it.

"Mercy," the dalek screams.

"I'm sorry? What was that?" I ask the daleks.

"Mercy!" one of the daleks yell.

"MERCY!" they all yell at me right before I am enfulged in bright light. I start screaming in agony and I start spinning.


3rd Person:

Galaxy is screaming and fighting in her bed which makes the Doctor and Rose both run into her room. Rose sighs as she looks at her sister. "That wasn't a good sigh. Why wasn't it a good sigh?" asks the Doctor.

"Where's her bag?" Rose asks the Doctor.

"Uh. Console room, why?" he asks Rose. Rose turns to look at the Doctor and turns him to face her. "Right. Wake her up. I need to get her a pen and her blue journal. Three minutes," she tells him before running off towards the console room. She runs into the console room and reaches for her bag and pulls out her pencil case and her blue journal and takes off for her sister's bedroom again.

During the three minutes that Rose was away for, the Doctor makes his way over to Galaxy's bed. He sits next to Galaxy but she continues to fight around the bed so he puts his hands on her shoulders and tries to hold her down. "Hey, hey, hey. I'm here. The Doctor's here. You don't need to be afraid. You don't need to be frightened. I'm here. I'll always be here. You don't have to worry," he tells her.


I click a necklace into my chameleon arch and then input a code into my vortex minipulator. I start screaming again but I hear something. "Hey, hey, hey. I'm here. The Doctor's here. You don't need to be afraid. You don't need to be frightened. I'm here. I'll always be here. You don't have to worry," I hear someone say.


Galaxy stops moving around and Rose walks towards the bedroom but stops at the door and leans on it. The Doctor leans forwards and kisses her on the head. "You're gonna be fine, Galaxy. You'll be fantastic but you just need to wake up," he tells her and when he does, Galaxy shoots up in her bed. "What happened?" she asks quickly. Rose walks towards her bed with her journal and pencil case and sits on her bed. "You had another nightmare. Here's your journal," she tells her whilst handing Galaxy her journal and pencil case. Galaxy opens the pencil case and grabs a pen from it and then opens her journal to a new page and starts writing fast. Extreamly fast. "What's happening?" the Doctor asks Rose.

"She's writing it down in her journal. Quickly. I don't know how she is writing it all down so quickly but she is. It's extraordinary. Never seen anything like it really," says Rose. She suddenly jumps at the noise of the journal closing. "Right. Now, I'm up. Wide awake and ready fo- hold up. No. I'm hungry. Right. Where's the kitchen? I want pancakes," Galaxy says whilst getting up out of bed and walking towards the door of her room. "Does this normally happen when she's had a bad dream?" the Doctor asks Rose and she nods her head.

"Three... two... one..." Rose says then points to Galaxy who falls to the floor. "And, yes. This always happens when she has a bad dream." The Doctor walks over to Galaxy and picks her up. He walks back over to the bed and tucks her in and kisses her head. "Give her three or four more hours of sleep and she'll be as right as rain," she tells the Doctor but she notices that he isn't listening and is going to open Galaxy's journal but she snatches it off him before he does. "Hey. Don't take things off people. Especially if they're me," he tells Rose.

"Well don't try and look through Galaxy's journals. I've tried and I got a smack around the back of the head and she wouldn't talk to me for a month. She was eleven," she tells him. The Doctor nods his head but then asks, "So she writes about her nightmares and monsters?" Rose nods her head at him then puts the pen away in the pencil case. "Now, I'm wide awake and hungry and now I want to go on another adventure," says Rose.

"But won't Galaxy get mad if we don't take her with her?" asks the Doctor and Rose shrugs her head. "I think she won't notice. If we don't say anything to her," says Rose but the Doctor shakes his head. "No. Won't allow it. We shall wait until she is awake and then we can go on another adventure. See you in a few hours," the Doctor says and with that, he walks out of Galaxy's bedroom and heads back to the console room.

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