Their first meet

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Saint reached Chiang Mai after a long tiring journey. He had asked the lawyer to accompany him as he doesn’t know anything about the mansion which he last visited when he was only five.  But suspiciously the lawyer refused him saying he had some important task. What caught Saint's mind is that the lawyer  became nervous hearing his invitation. Whatever...  He brushed off the thought and concentrated in his work which is to find the mansion.  He reached the area mentioned in the address given by the lawyer and asked local people for help. But the people were giving him an weird look which made him so confused. 

Suddenly he heard a sound of crying.  Looking at the direction of the sound,  he saw a girl of 11-12 years old was crying grabbing her legs beside the road. He felt pity for the girl so went to the girl to see what happened to her.
"Hey little girl. May I know why you are crying? "
"It hurts,phi."
The girl showed her legs where there was a big cut which was bleeding. Saint being the responsible guy hurriedly took out his first aid box and treated the wound.
"Hey you should be careful na..."
"Sorry phi. I'll be more careful in the future. And thank you so much. You're so kind phi."
"That's not the matter." said a slightly blushing Saint.
"Oh phi are you new here? I never saw you before."
"Oh right. I'm looking for an address. But surprisingly noone is helping me."
"Let me see phi. I'm an expert of this area."
"Thanks a lot." said Saint showing her the address.
Unexpectedly the girl's eyes grew wider seeing the address.
"I know the address phi. But it would be better if you don’t go there."
"Huh? Why?" asked the confused Saint.
"Cause It's a haunted house."
Saint being a logical person can't believe what he just heard. He wanted to laugh so badly. But he controlled himself not wanting to hurt the little girl.
"I understand child. But you know I'm stronger than ghosts. So they couldn’t do anything to me. So can you please show me the house? I promise I'll catch all the ghosts so that you can visit there to play with me." said Saint smiling.
"Really phi? I want to visit that mansion so bad. But you know the ghosts.... So I see that mansion from afar everyday. "
"Owww... I promise I'll take you inside the mansion. By the way, no person lives there? Not even a caretaker? "
"Who would guard a horror house? But the ghosts kept the mansion neat and clean."
"Oh... Then let's go. "
I've to clean a room in the mansion for myself. Oh I need to do grocery shopping for cooking also. But thank God I've some dry foods with me so I can eat today and do shopping tomorrow after taking some rest. That's what Saint was thinking. He was so emerged in his thoughts that he didn’t realise they were already in front of the mansion.
"Here you go phi. That's the mansion. "
Said the girl showing the mansion.
"Thanks a lot,child."
"Don't forget to invite me phi after you catch the ghosts."
Saint chuckled hearing this.
"Sure princess. By the way what's your name?"
"Oh I'm so fool... I forgot to introduce me😑. I'm Pear. You are also fool phi😁. You also didn’t say your name."
"I'm Saint."
"Ok phi Saint. See you tomorrow. "
"Bye little princess."
Saint then entered the mansion. He was mesmerised to see the huge beautiful mansion.
"Welcome young master. "
Didn’t the girl say there is no servant in the mansion??

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