We all have that one person who drives us up the wall. Well, in my case I have two. I'm 20 years old and living with my 23 year old brother, Tristan. He's one of the two people who drive me up the wall. The other one? His best friend, Conor Ball. I'm Amy by the way. Amy Evans.

It's a Saturday, which means no early morning. At least, that's what I hoped. Someone has rudely woken me up. "Where's my coat?" My brother asks. I look at the time. Half 9. I grumble. "How the fuck do I know?" I cry. He shrugs and leaves. I try getting back to sleep, but can't so I head to the kitchen and make me some toast. I then proceed to creating the love of my life - coffee. I'm sitting at the table when the other idiot walks in from his bedroom, shirtless. I'm not going to lie, the view is kind of nice. "put a shirt on!" Tristan shouts. "Dude, I dunno. Your sister seems to like it" he smirks. I scoff, even though there is a bit of truth there. "I do not. I was planning on how to murder you" I grumble. "What are you doing up anyway? You're normally sleeping till gone 10"he asks, sitting next to me. Ugh. Does he have to talk to me? "Ask that idiot over there" I grumble, glaring at Tris who rolls his eyes. "Oh, Evie is coming over later and staying the night" Tris says. I groan. "I'm staying at Louisa's then" I decide, especially when I see Conor smirking. "What? She's annoying" I grumble. "More annoying than me?" he asks, moving closer to me. "You wish" I smile, grab my coffee and go upstairs.

"Does she have to be here?" I mumble as Evie arrives. "Yes, she's my girlfriend" Tristan tells me, giving me a look that says play nice. "Just so you know, the thing is here" I tell Amy, popping my head round her bedroom door. Now, normally she tells me to get lost but she doesn't even register me. "Amy!" I shout, making her look up. "Sorry, what?" She asks. Okay, something is definitely up. "What's wrong?" I ask, sitting on her bed. So, confession. I've had a bit of a crush on her since forever. But I always end up annoying her or saying the wrong thing. "Nothing" She lies, glancing at her phone. I lean over and when she tries to hide it I pin her down. "Tell me or I'll get Tristan" I say, and she grumbles. "Matt text me" She says. "Ex Matt?" I ask, getting up. Her first love. "What did he want?" I ask quietly. "Another chance" she says. "Please tell me you didn't" I plead. "He's changed" She whispers. "Don't tell me you believe him?" I ask. She looks down. "I have to at least give him a chance" She starts. Unbelievable. I just get up and walk out.

"You off out?" Tristan asks me as I head towards the door. I nod. "Where you going nice?" Conor asks moodily. I glare at him. "None of your business. I'm staying at Louisa's tonight, Tris" I tell my brother and head towards where I'm actually going. Matt's. I shouldn't give him another chance, I know. But he says he's changed. And I believe him. When I get to his, he's smiling. "Hey you" he says, slurring his words. His eyes are red. "Are you drunk?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Nah, I've just had a few beers" he grins. "And weed. God, you've not changed a bit" I scoff. He laughs. "That was just to get you here baby" He smirks and puts an arm on my waist. I push him and leave. Then I remember I don't know the way back. To my house or Louisa's - I got a taxi here. I get my phone out and ring my brother's friend, Brad.
C - Hello?
A - Brad?
C - Brad's in the kitchen. Amy?
A - Can you put him on the phone?
B - Amy? What is it?
A - I need you to come and pick me up. I'm at Matt's
He tells me he'll be five minutes. "Hey mini Tris" He says when he pulls up. "Amy, what happened?" Conor asks, I see him in the back, looking concerned. "You brought him?" I ask Brad as he drives me to Louisa's, on request. "He didn't give me much of choice" He mutters. I sigh. "Was he high again?" Conor asks. I laugh sourly. "He was already drunk and high when I got there. He only said he'd changed to get me there" I scoff. Conor's expression changes. "Stop the fucking car" he growls. "Not worth it. Keep driving" I tell Brad as Conor sits in silence, glaring out the window.

"Can I stay tonight? She's over" I ask my best friend. Actually that's an understatement. I beg her. "Yeah sure" she laughs as my ring tone blasts out. "Your brother is calling" Louisa tells me. "I hate him. He's so annoying" I laugh, but answer the call anyway.
T - Amy, Conor did something stupid
Tell me he didnt
A - Which was?
T - First of all, WHY WERE YOU AT MATT'S HOUSE?!
A - I thought he'd changed. What has Conor done?
T - Well, you know he gets concerned about you sometimes. Don't get mad
A - Cut the bullshit Tris. What did the idiot do?!
I really hope he didn't go to
T - He kind of went to Matt's and beat him for lying to you. And being drunk
A - And high
T - Please don't kill him
I don't answer this. I just hang up. "Conor Ball is a fucking idiot" I grumble. "What did he do?" Lou asks. I fill her in as I text Conor.
Tomorrow, you're dead
"Don't kill him" she laughs. I roll my eyes. "Can we watch a film?" I ask. She nods and puts on our current  favourite - Moana. "WILL YOU TWO SHUT IT?!" Her brother, Cole, shouts. We look at each other and nod, singing louder.

The next day
"Where is he?" I ask, when I return home. Unfortunately, the she Demon is still here - I must not have left it long enough. "Who?" she asks lazily. "My brother's stupid best friend and room mate" I say flatly. We do not like each other. "Garden" She tells me. "CONOR BALL!" I shout when I get to the door. He winces. "Hey, mini" he starts. "Only Bradders can call me that you dickhead. I told you not to go to Matt's but did you listen? No!" I scream, and when I walk towards him he backs away. "He lied to you though" he mutters so I run towards him, wanting to throttle him but somebody holds me back. Tris. "Lemme at him!" I cry, when I notice Brad and their other best mate James has appeared. "We need him alive. Don't kill him" They all beg. I kick my brother in the crown jewels, scoff and walk off. As I get to the door I turn around. "I don't see why. He's an ass hole and talentless. Don't expect me to talk to him. You couldn't do as I asked, just once could you? Why do you never listen to me? I wish I'd never met you" I snarl and head inside

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