Chapter 21: In My Mind

Start from the beginning

"Why not?"He asked.

Just then the bell ranged saying lunch was over."Because I have to get back to work." I said as I grabbed my things."Thanks for lunch."I said then walked out the room.


When I got home I was tired. It was late, about eleven o'clock. The kids was asleep so I decided to have some time to myself which I really didn't have the time for. I ran a hot bubble bath and sat back in it and just relaxed. I usually didn't like peace and quiet but this was just what I needed. Until the phone ranged. I groaned and reached over to the table where I kept it and answered without even looking at who it was."Hello?"I asked.


"MIchael?" That was completely unexpected.

"Umm, hi."He sounded like he felt a bit uncomfortable about calling me after such a long time.

"Hey, how are you?"I asked.

"I'm making it."He said.

"How long?"

HE knew exactly what i meant by that"Almost a year."

I gasped."I'm so proud!"

He chuckled.

"What you've been doing all day?"He asked.

I let out a long sigh."Working, that's all. I just got home actually."

"Oh really, how's the business going?" he asked."I heard it's going to be good record label."

"Where'd you hear that?"

"Certain people."He said.

"Yeah it's great, it keeps me busy all time but I love it."

"But do you really love it?"He asked."As much as you love to sing and dance?"

I thought about it for a moment."No I can't say that I do."

"Why wont you get back out there then."

"Because I'm through with that life, now it's time for me to move on the next chapter. I still dance in sing, just not when I performing."

"So when do you do it?"He asked.

"With Alyssa."

"With Alyssa?"

"Yeah, your baby girl got moves, and I know where she gets it from."I said.


"Me."I started laughing and so did he.

"She got some of that talent from me I know."

i just laughed."So hows Debbie?"I asked, after a long moment of silence.Not that I cared. I was just trying to kill the awkwardness going on.

"She's pregnant again."He said.

"Oh, well congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!"I said.I didn't care if Michael was married again or not, I will always be his lady no matter what.

"You know you don't mean that."

"Well how do you know?"I asked.

"I can tell by the tone of your voice."He said adding a chuckle at the end.

I shook my head in shame."I hate that you know me so well." he said.

"Well, what the hell do you expect?"He asked.Using the line I always used"We've known each other since we were ten."

"That's true."I admitted."But tell her I said Congratulations, honestly. And hows little Prince?"I asked referring to his son.

"He's wonderful."

"Is he anything like his dad?"I asked.

"I don't know, he's only a month old."

I laughed."I would love to meet him."I said.

"Well, you can."He said. He sounded a bit excited that I said I wanted to meet him."Whenever your next off day is, just let me know, you can bring twins over and Lyssa to. Grace misses her."

"I can take tomorrow off."I said.

"Are you sure, I don't want to stop you from working."

"Michael, I have been working hard enough. I can a simple day off."I said.

"Okay."He said.

"You should come by around.....twelve noon?"

"That sounds fine to me."I said.

"Okay I'll see you then."

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