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31 December, 2020. 

New Years Eve was always a day to celebrate and a great excuse for a good party.

You could say goodbye to the year that might have sucked, being incredible or just average. You could use it as an excuse to do something you've always wanted to, it was a new beginning for many people even though it was just a date, that included myself.

I always saw the start of a new year like a new opportunity to do everything I haven't being able to accomplish in the previous one as well as the moment to go even further in whatever I was already doing, it was a moment where I just promised myself to be the truest version of myself that I could and being who I was, that wasn't an easy activity sometimes.

This New Year was a different one, there was more meaning behind it than any previous one. I just graduated university, yes, I officially had a degree in business and that terrified me. That meant that 20 soon to be 21 years old me was capable of taking a spot at the family business and let me tell you, that isn't exactly something I would like to be doing right now... Which is why, I won't be doing that.

This marks the beginning of a completely different experience I ever had, I'll be working alongside my cousin, none other than Daniel Ricciardo, yes, the Formula 1 drive, how I'm dealing with that? I still don't know why I said yes, but it did seem like a good idea at the time.

Now? It just fucking terrifies me every time I think about it.

- C, are you ready? - I heard my best friend, Alicia call me and I jumped in front of the mirror in the bathroom

- ALMOST - I screamed back and stoped daydreaming about my future to finish applying my mascara.

Dubai was a nice spot, you could find a lot of rich people here, some were nice and some had their egos bigger than the Burj Khalifa, we're the nice one's, I promise.

- Why we going to the party of the hotel again? - I asked putting my heels on and looking at the three girls in front of me

- The guy I've been hooking up with said this hotel that we're actually standing in, throws the best nye party, so why go far? - Hannah shrugged and I nodded agreeing knowing all of us could end up pretty drunk tonight

- LET'S GO - Kiera screamed after we left the room and I was already laughing knowing quite well how this night would go - I need to find a new year's kiss, it will be sad if I don't kiss anyone - She said and I couldn't help but laugh

- It won't be sad, but I also wouldn't refuse it either - I said getting inside the elevator and soon entering the terrace at the top of the hotel where a lot of people were already gathered to celebrate the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021.

- Shots for us all - Hannah said giving them to us and soon enough we were placing the now empty cups back on the table - I'll find my Australian guy before someone else decides to catch him, see you guys at midnight and please find yourselves some nice dicks - She said leaving leaving us to laugh at how upfront and crazy she has always been

- I'm going to try to find something non alcoholic to begin with, anyone coming? - I asked the two sat by my side just to see them deny

- I'm going to find a New Year's kiss, you guys should do the same - Ki said getting up soon being followed by Alicia who didn't seem too excited for it

- Ali? You know you don't have to find one, we all know you're still not over John - I said mentioning her recent breakup and the reason why we were spending New Years in Dubai

- I kinda want to, will help me take it off my mind - She said smiling and I smiled back knowing if she though that, then it was what was going to make her happy at the end of the day

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