I nod even though she can't see me. We sit for a moment and breathe. "Regret. What else do you regret Ariah?"

"I regret not being there for her. I regret moving away." Tears we're streaming down my face.

Aunt Maya places her hands on top of mine. I open my eyes and see the tears in her eyes as well.

"I know how you feel sweetie, but we all have our own paths to follow. We live, we learn, we experience life and all it throws at us. But we can't let it control us. Your mother didn't die, because energy can't die. She was reborn. She transcended. She returned to the place she was meant to be.  wherever that may be. Jane was a beautiful soul who spread her light everywhere she went. And you, meatball, have a light of your own that you mustn't let dim. Now it's time to let that regret go."

I wipe my face and nod. "I'm ready."

We resume our positions and begin breathing.

"Breathe in healing, breathe out pain," she begins. "Breathe in acceptance, breathe out regret. Understand that we are more than flesh and bones. We are more than just our physical bodies. We are life. We are energy. Energy transforms. Jane has transformed."

As we finish our meditation, I am feeling much better. The cloud of darkness that followed me was now brighter. I was still sad that my mom wasn't here, but I realize that some things have to happened. We stand and hug each other.

"Thank you Auntie M."

"No problem meatball. Couldn't have you endangering the mini meatball any longer." I look up at her in shock.

"How did you know?"

"I can feel energy sweetheart. Pregnancy lets out a distinct aura; golden and blissful. Despite your sadness, a part of you remained happy."

I nod and we head downstairs. Silas, Jade, and Charlie were all sitting around the table. They all turned when they heard our footsteps and Silas was the first one to come to me.

"How are you feeling?" Looking up at him, his beard had gotten scruffy and he looked like he wasn't getting much sleep. However, it didn't make him any less gorgeous.

"I'm better now." I raise my hand to his face. "I'm sorry for what I put you and the baby through."

He shakes his head. "You were dealing with something traumatic. We should get some food in you." He takes my hand but before we move, I turn him back and place a deep kiss in his lips. Silas wraps his arms around me. My nerves began tingling all over my body. I've missed his touch.

"Ew, go to your room." Jade says. I pull back from Silas and laugh.

"Shut up Jade." I was feeling a little weak so I leaned onto Silas for support. He looked down at me.

"You need to eat." Smiling, I nod and let him sit me at the table. Charlie hands me a plate of eggs, a waffle and hash browns. I drizzle on the syrup and add some powdered sugar. Next, I squeeze some ketchup on my eggs and begin eating. Charlie screws up his face in disgust.

"What the hell Ariah?" I look up confused. "Ketchup on eggs? When did you started doing that?" I smile sheepishly and finish chewing before looking at Silas.

"You didn't tell them?"

"Tell us what?" Jade asks curiously.

"I was waiting for you." I nod and look at my brother and sister.

"I'm pregnant guys."

Jade screams in excitement and rushes over to my side of the table and rubs my stomach. "OMG! OMG! I hope it's a girl! I can dress her up in cute clothes and do her hair." I laugh and watch her ramble on. Charlie shakes his head and pushes her out of the way. He takes me in a big bear hug and I smile lovingly.

"Congratulations to the both of you." He lets me go and kisses my forehead before giving Silas a hand shake then a one arm hug.

A knock on the door draws all of our attention.

"I'll get it." Jade says as she rushes to the door. As we're eating, we hear her say, "What are you doing here?" Charlie and I both share a confused expression before going to see who's at the door.

Lo and behold, Dreya Jones of the WNBA, who would've thought?

"Hello Ariah."

"Dreya. What are you doing here?"

"I came to say I'm sorry about your mom. You, uh, changed your number. So I just stopped by hoping you'd be here."

I nod and say thank you, though I really didn't know how to respond. What do you say to 'I'm sorry about the death of your loved one'? Yea, I'm sorry too.

She just stood there looking at me before raising her hand to the back of her neck and scratching. Was she nervous?

"You look great by the way. Your hair has gotten longer."

"Dreya..." I go to shut the door.

"No Ari, wait!" She puts her hand on the door and I glare at her.

Silas comes up to my side. I knew he wasn't far behind. He's not patient enough to just sit there.

Dreya drags her eyes from me to him and furrows her eyebrows. "Who the hell are you?"

"Last I checked, it wasn't any of your damn business," I spit back. Her eyes began darting back and forth between Silas and I. I could see the pieces clicking into place in her mind.

"Look Ariah, I want to apologize for how things ended between us. I was an asshole who didn't treat you right. I hope you can forgive me."

I say thank you. "Treat her right bro." Dreya says to Silas before walking off. I close the door behind her.

"Seems like you have a type." Silas says.

I laugh. "And what's that?"

"Tall assholes."

"Silas Wilson, are you calling yourself an asshole?"

"Yes, Ariah Miller, yes I am." He smiles and picks me up, planting a kiss on my lips.

"You're my asshole." I mentally kick myself after the words came out, but shrugged it off either way. 

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