~• Prologue •~

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''Heyyyyy Mumbo!''

The tall male looks up as he hears his friend, and sees him standing there, massive snowball in his hand and a sneaky grin on his face. The little gremlin throws the snowball, and Mumbo ducks just in time, and the snowball hits Doc straight in the face, filling his hair with snow.

Everyone is laughing, even Doc.

They have all been friends for as long as they could remember. It started out as just Etho, Keralis, Xisuma and Beef, but over time the others joined, forming bonds that would never break.

They spent as much time together as they could, visiting each other daily, helping each other wherever they could. Everyone was unique, yet also the same.

For some time some were afraid that some would have to stay behind when they eventually go to Hogwarts, at least until everyone, even the 6 muggle children, started showing signs of magic

When they were 10, they decided what their group name would be. ''Hermitgang'' they called themselves.

They can't wait to get their Hogwarts letters,they all really want to go.

Only a few more months.

However, one of them might not be so excited for long, once something happens that will change his life.


Ooh look, a cliffhanger. What happens next? Better wait and see...

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