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short story 1
continuation of 'alucard'
TW// murder, gore

"He-Hello Mr-" the taller one began. Symere slammed the door in the duo's faces.

"Go away!" he yelled from behind the giant double doors. The two men were persistent, for they continued to knock.

"Mr Alucard, please open up!" a different voice said this time; it must have been the other boy.

"I said 'Go. Away'" he reiterated. Symere was about to walk off towards the library when he heard the first boy speak a plea muffled by the door.

"Symere please." he begged. Symere couldn't help but stop in his tracks at the mention of his first name. He turned around descending the stairs, that were placed right in front of the entrance. He propped open the doors facing the two men once again.

"What did you just call me?" he said menacingly looking up at the taller one of the two.

"You're name is Symere Tepes right?"

"Don't you ever mutter that name from your wretched mouth again!" he seethed, baring his fangs at the man.

"I'm sorry." he winced, stepping back from Symere in fear. The other one shielded him, taking over the conversation.

"We're sorry. We don't want to cause you any harm Mr Alucard."

"If you don't want to to cause me any harm then leave!" Symere demanded slamming the door shut, but before it could close, the shorter one of the two men caught it, stopping the door in its tracks.

"Wait!" Symere turned around, glaring at him. The man took a big gulp before continuing. "M-me and my boyfriend traveled all the way here to see you. We want to learn from you. Learn about all the knowledge your dad, your mother, and you collected." his voice was sincere, and Symere took note of that. He even softened his angered face, and relaxed his posture.

The other one that Symere spoke to first, stopped hiding and stood next to his boyfriend, no longer full of fear.

"Please Alucard, please." he asked earnestly. Symere stared at the two men, standing in his doorway, for a second. He didn't notice it before when he was annoyed but they were beautiful.

They reminded him of his mother, for their skin tones were chocolate. Symere noticed the shorter one had hair texture that resembled his mother, while the taller had hair similar to his own.

The taller one had a face that was so beautiful and majestic. He had a distinct mark on his face, that would make him stand out from the crowd. He truly had a face fit for a ruler, what was a beauty like him doing being a wanderer.

And the other boy: he was a bit shorter than the first guy, but he was still tall. His face was nicely sculpted, and he had s peculiar dagger tattoo on his forehead, but it fit him. He had a slightly bigger build than the taller one, and eyes that can peer into a man's rotten soul or lack there of.

Symere crossed his arms in defeat. "Fine." he grumbled. "Come in."

The two instantly became glee, jumping up and down, hugging each other. The tall one with the birthmark ran over towards Symere attempting to give him a over joyous hug.

Symere stopped the man in his tracks, sending his flying sword up to his neck, with magic. The mam gulped in fear. He could feel the cold metal almost pierce his skin. "Don't touch me." Symere glared, peering right up at him.

The man put his hands up, signaling he wouldn't come any closer, and Symere sent his sword back to where it came.

"You." he pointed at the man. "What's your name."

"Oh. I am Jordan." the boy's mood changing instantly from scared to excited. Symere was confused by his sudden joyous spirit, but nevertheless, he averted his attention to the man a few feet behind Jordan.

"And you?"

"My name's Sheyaa." he clarified, walking slowly towards the other two, but making sure not to get too close to Symere, for he didn't want to end up in the same position Jordan was in.

Symere eyed the two men then turning around. "Well then, Jordan, Sheyaa, follow me." Jordan turned to his boyfriend giving him an excited smile, silently screaming. Symere took notice and couldn't help but smile to himself. Maybe having humans around wouldn't be that bad.

He led the two up the flight of stairs, leading them into a corridor with many doors.

"Damn, this house is big as hell." Sheyaa blurted, looking all around him.

"Castle, it's a castle." Symere corrected. "Anyways, your room is right over here." He pointed towards a door. "Since you're a couple, I would think you only need one room." He turned towards the couple; eyeing the two taller men. "We'll start tomorrow. Meet me in the library at 7 am. Don't be late."

Jordan started jumping and shouting "Yes!" Sheyaa wasn't doing the same, but Symere could tell he was just as excited, for he had a gigantic smile on his face, showing all his fronts.

Symere's chest began to feel all constricted. A feeling he hasn't felt in a long time; a feeling he only gets when he's happy.

"Thank you so much Mr Alucard!" Jordan excitedly and without any thought ran up towards Symere again, but before he could get close, Sheyaa pulled him back by his shirt.

"Don't get too close, remember." he said quietly to his absent minded partner.

"Oh yeah." he answered with a now somber expression. Symere was watching, finding it all amusing. He then turned away from the two, preparing to head down the corridor to his study.

"Remember: 7 am, don't be late." he concluded before disappearing down the hallway.


It was a little after 7am when the two men, who were newly inhabiting the castle, made their way towards the library.

When they entered the library, they seen a slightly agitated Symere sitting in a big brown chair, that almost completely devoured his body, for he was small, however, presence and demeanor made him seem like the biggest person in the room.

"You're late." he chided. The pair jumped a bit, as he stared daggers into them both.

"S-sorry Mr Alucard." Sheeya spoke up first.

"But it was only by a few minutes."

"But I told you to be here at SEVEN AM. Not a second later." He raged, getting out of the chair walking over to the two men. He looked up directly at them, "Rule number one: if you want to live and learn here, you follow my directions. Understood?" His eyes shifting to a gold color reminding the two that he was the vampire here, and they were the humans. To remind them he's not just any vampire, he is Symere Alucard Tepes, the son of Vlad Dracula Tepes III. Don't fuck with him.

"Y-yes Mr Alucard." they said in unison. Symere gave them a wide, toothy grin.

"Good. Now let's get to work."

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