Chapter one

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"Kigao! Wake up, you're going to be late for school." I got up and told my mom I understood. I came downstairs after changing clothes for school.

My dad came at me and took me in his arms. "So, who's the best daughter in the world?" I laughed a little before my dad put me down. "Me! It's me!" As I laughed louder, my mom told me if I don't hurry I'll have to run for school. Yeah, I don't like to take the bus so I walk, anyways the school isn't that really far from my house. I finished preparing and I waved at my parents before to leave for school.

As I was on my way, I spotted a boy sitting on a bench. He looked like crying. I would have liked to talk to him but I couldn't waste any more time. So I hurry up to school to meet with my friends.

The day was pretty much a normal one, except in physical education when I was running, I didn't look where I was going and a ball hit me in the face. It hurt, but I didn't cry 'cuz I'm tough, hehe. After the school bell rang, I talked with my friends for a while until I looked at the time and took my leave. On my way back, I noticed the same boy sitting on the bench again. I stopped my walk, looking at his two moles under his left eye before to approach him.

"Hey!" He looked up at me, his eyes widen a bit. I introduced myself, holding out my hand. "I'm Kigao Hikari. And who's this sad purple haired boy?" He made a faint smile before to slowly grab my hand and shook it. "I'm Kuki Urie. Pleased to meet you." His gaze was fixed on the floor. "What are you doing here all alone, cookie?" He gazed at me when he heard the nickname. "Is it ok for me to call you that?" He thought about it for a second before to nod. "Yes, it is. I'm here because this place is where I used to spend my mornings and evenings with my dad." His face was showing an expression close to sadness. "Used? Oh, I understand. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." I waved my hands in front of me in embarrassment. "Well, I'm sorry but I have to go or I'll be late for supper. Meet you here tomorrow?" He nodded with a little smile before waving at me. I walked away as I did the same.


I entered the house and went upstairs to put my stuff and changed myself. After, I rushed downstairs to tell my adventure of today during the supper. When I told them, my dad looked at my mom and asked me questions after. "Urie? Hmm, if I remember correctly... Yes... around 10. Kigao, was the boy you encountered around your age and with purple hair? And if you maybe noticed with two moles under his left eye?" I nodded, my parents' eyes widen.

"Tomorrow please, invite him for supper." I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "It's because I think his father was Mikito Urie. This man saved us from a ghoul. We owe him our lives." My dad said with a big smile, I nodded again, understanding the situation. "Alright, I'll bring him tomorrow!"

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