chapter one

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The July air is crisp and cool still, despite it being in the middle of the summer season. Crisostomo Ibarra is taking long strides inside oval in the campus, wearing a cardigan over his uniform.

Today was his birthday. Some call their 18th birthdays the 'pagtatali ng tali' which is a metaphor for weddings and such. But for Crisostomo, it's the last proof for his and Maria Clara's love. His soulmate marker is going to decide whether Maria is really his soulmate.

For once, Crisostomo never doubted that.

'Maria, Maria!' Crisostomo called out to his loving girlfriend. Maria turned around and saw the former running towards her. Her friends, Sinang and Victoria, who are with her are mumbling and giggling to themselves.

'O, Crisostomo...' Maria smiled tightly to her boyfriend. 'Hindi ba may Calculus ka this period?'

'Yeah, but may five minutes pa so I thought I might see you?' Crisostomo grinned.

'Ah.' The shy girl just chuckled, although her expression is troubled.

'You okay?' Crisostomo frowned, worry etched on his features. He swiped the stray hair covering her beautiful face and held her cheeks.

'Mauna na kami sa canteen, Maria and Crisostomo!' Sinang called out while dragging Victoria with her. The two girls quickly went away, leaving the couple alone.

'Tell me what's wrong, Maria.' Crisostomo gently prodded.

'Wala, wala,' Maria turned her face and walked suddenly. Crisostomo caught up to her.

'Kilala kita, Maria,' Crisostomo said, 'So, c'mon, tell me.'

Maria sighed and looked at her boyfriend, whom is staring intently at her. 'It's just that... birthday mo ngayon.'

'Um, so?'

'What if... you know?' Maria looked down.

'What? 'Di ko gets, Maria.'

'What if we weren't really soulmates?' Maria whispered, as if her worst fears are realised.

That made Crisostomo stop. Honestly, he bever thought about it. He is her soulmate. It had to be.

Some people call him a fool. ('Oh, bakit jinowa mo yan si Maria agad? Hindi ka pa 18 'diba?' 'Delikado 'yan, Cris. Wala ka pang soulmate marker.') But he's just going by for what he feels. And he's in love with Maria Clara. Have been since he was 10. And he knows, he believes that Maria Clara feels the same way. He is her soulmate. It needs to be. Or else...

Or else Crisostomo is going to be lost.

'Yun lang pala, eh!' Crisostomo grinned, although a seed of doubt is slowly growing at the back of his head. 'Don't worry about it.'

'How could you say that?' Maria said, disbelief evident in her eyes. 'Paano pag hindi yung pangalan ko yung hindi written on your wrist?'

'It will.' Crisostomo said soothingly, kissing the top of her head. 'Sabi ko, don't worry.'

Maria just closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 'Fine,' she forced a smile and looked at him in the eyes. 'Whatever happens, okay, Crisostomo?'

'Whatever happens.' Crisostomo repeats.

They both parted ways - mainly, because Crisostomo still have classes and Sinang and Victoria are waiting for Maria inside the canteen. But before Crisostomo went on his class, he saw his supposed 'rival' Elias staring strangely at him. Crisostomo raised his left eyebrow. The other boy just curled his mouth in a slightly menacing way and broke his stare.

'Okay, weird...' Crisostomo thought but didn't dwell much on it. He went to his classes.

Later was his birthday, anyway and when he turns eighteen - the exact strike of 12 o'clock in the clock - his soulmate's name will apear on his wrist. And it will be Maria, he's sure of it. They already planned a future for the two of them.

Crisostomo belongs to Maria Clara and Maria belongs to him, and him only.

Not a damn soulmate marker is going to change that.

Crisostomo's party is unsurprisingly crowded. Friends, relatives, and strangers are scattered everywhere. It was noisy and uncomfortable - just like how Filipino parties are. The smell of tinola (Crisostomo's favourite) and other Filipino classic foods filled the air and Crisostomo is sure that everyone is hungry. Because that's what everyone go to parties for - to eat food.

Even though he's not technically eighteen, people often celebrate their pre-eighteenth birthday for the sole reason of their wrists identifying their soulmates.

The party is located in his father's house, the infamous Rafael Ibarra. That's why it's packed with guests - his father's popular and kind with everyone. And a lot of people are interested in him mainly because he was, well, rich. So is Crisostomo, if he was being modest.

He spotted his father greeting every guests with a smile and a polite handshake. He smiled fondly and went near to his father's side who immediately starts bragging his son to everyone. 'Oh, alam niyo ba itong anak ko-'

Crisostomo just bowed his head while his father practically praised him. His mind then wandered to Maria Clara. He haven't seen her since the party started. Then, he saw Sinang dancing with some guy on the dancefloor. 'Baka alam niya kung nasaan si Maria.' Crisostomo thought to himself.

He excused himself from his father's entourage and ask for the girl's hands. The guy she was dancing with just glared at him and let go.

'Ooh, thank God, Cris!' Sinang practically flung herself to Crisostomo. 'That guy was such a creep!'

Crisostomo's eyebrows drew upwards. 'Why didn't you just leave him, then?'

'I thought of it but mukha siyang kawawa eh! I feel kinda bad, 'lam mo yun?' Crisostomo just laughed. Sinang, ever so blunt.

'Um, Sinang, nakita mo ba si Maria Clara?' Crisostomo asked. He's kind of worried as of now.

'I knew it! You didn't want to dance with me in the first place!' Sinang said jokingly, her lips forming a pout. Crisostomo chuckld. 'Yeah, she's on the rooftop. Nagmumuni-muni.'

'Thanks, 'Nang!' He let go of the girl and started turning away.

'Heartbreaker!' She yelled. Crisostomo just turned around stuck his tongue out. Sinang laughed. He basically ran to the stairwell and quickly jogged upstairs. He saw Maria Clara sitting on the makeshift couch near the balcony. Crisostomo instantly smiled at the sight and dug his pocket for his cellphone. He snapped a photo but was busted when there was a loud 'click'

Maria Clara turned around, her hair sweeping het fair face. Crisostomo's stomach did a turn. 'Oops?'

'Cris naman eh. Burahin mo yan!' Maria whined. Crisostomo grinned. Maria hated it when people take photos of her without her consent. Crisostomo is one of the suspect (and the reasons why.)

Crisostomo went closer and sat next to the girl, putting his arms around her and letting her rest against his chest. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, a small smile present on his lips. 'Okay ka lang?'

There was a beat before Maria answered. 'Yes.'



'Good.' Crisostomo sighed in relief. They stayed like that for awhile, cuddling while the noise from downstairs became a white noise, and the moon peeking from the dark clouds feels like it's watching them intently. There was a long, comfortable silence until Maria broke it.

'Last minute na.' She said simply. She didn't say what for but Crisostomo knew exactly what she meant.

He tried to be calm but his heart is pounding on his chest, he's sure she can feel it. 'Hey, look at me,' he coaxed Maria. She looked at him with slightly sad eyes. 'Whatever happens?'

'Whatever happens.' Then, he leaned closer and captured her lips with his own. He let go gently and felt the tears rolling on her cheeks. Crisostomo just smiled. 'Hey, wag ka nang umiyak, please?'

'Crisostomo, it's 12am.' The words rang in Crisostomo's head. Suddenly, he stood up and looked at his covered wrists. 'Fuck, bakit ba ako nag-long sleeves? Mas lalo tuloy akong kinakabahan.' Crisostomo cursed under his breath.

The tense in the air is slowly choking Crisostomo. He gulped closed his eyes, slowly unbuttoningthe buttons on his long-sleeve shirt. He rolled his sleeves up and slowly opened his eyes.

The name 'Elias' is written on his wrist. 

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