Chapter 7: Causing Havoc With the Warners

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A/N: Hey guys. Sorry if I've been absent for a few days. I've just been really busy. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Your P.O.V

I rubbed my eyes as I awoke from my sleep, stretching my arms with a gentle yawn. I noticed that I was in my bedroom.

'Last thing I remember was sitting on top of the tower..." I thought to myself. I must've fallen asleep and Yakko must've but me to bed... I guess he isn't that bad after all.

Not long after I woke, I noticed that my siblings, Sophie and Max were already awake. I looked at the clock on the counter next to the bed and the time was 10:15. I must've slept in!

I quickly got up and began to get changed and ready. As soon as I was ready, my siblings came in, already dressed of course.

"Hey, (y/n)! You slept in!" Sophie said in that annoying little sibling mocking tone. I rolled my eyes and continued to brush my hair.

"We know what happened yesterday..." Max said with a slay smirk with his hands behind his back.

I stopped brushing my hair and slowly turned around to face them with a blank expression.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, still facing.

"We know that you went to the Water Tower to see the Warners." Sophie continued on for Max.

Suddenly, I gasped and quickly got up from the seat and rushed towards them and covered their mouth.

"Shhhh! Please don't tell Dad!" I explained. Of course they know! They always do.

"Mmhmh." Mumbled Sophie as she tried to speak since my hand still covered her mouth.

"Huh?" I questioned but noticed my hand and quickly removed it. "Oh, right."

"I said, we'll only go if you take us to play with the Warners. Since it's only fair that you got to see them yesterday." Sophie said as she crossed her arms with a pout. The younger sibling bribe... classic.

"But, that'll only make matters worse!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

"Fine, have it your way. I'm sure Dad would LOVE to hear that you spent the afternoon with the Warners yesterday. C'mon, Max." Sophie states as she and Max began to walk out the door.

I sighed in defeat and finally came to a decision. "Ugh! Alright, fine! I'll take you to see the Warners." I said plainly.

They gasped in excitement and joy as they high-fived watch others hands.

I shook my head. At this point, I was basically fighting fire with fire.

*Time Skip*

We made it to the Water Tower and Sophie and Max were beyond excited that they couldn't even contain it, so I had to shush them every now and then so that people wouldn't hear.

"Hey, uhhh... Yakko? You in there?" I yelled up. Soon before I knew it, Yakko opened the door and he, as well as Wakko and Dot, could be seen from the tower.

"Hi, (y/n)! You're back! And you brought guests!" Yakko yelled down, happily.

"Uhhh, yeah. Anything wrong with that?" I questioned. "Not at all! In fact, I have a great idea of what we can all do TOGETHER!" He emphasised the last word and soon, he and his siblings jumped from the Water Tower and were soon standing right in front of us.

"Wakko!" Sophie exclaimed as she hugged Wakko in a tight squeeze. "Aw, shucks!" Wakko muffled as he was flustered and embarrassed.

Max walked up to Dot. "Uhhh, hi Dot." He nervously said. Dot however, had a completely opposite reaction. "Hello nurse!" She exclaimed with heart eyes as she chased Max around and Max tried to run away.

I turned to Yakko with a blank expression. Obviously what he had in mind wasn't going to be good.

"So, as I was saying, I think that we should all go cause some mischief on this lot." Yakko suggested, to which I of course, refused.

"Absolutely not! I'm not gonna risk getting into trouble again just to spend time with cartoon characters!" I exclaimed.

"Mischief is the wrong word. More like... uhhhhhhh... slightly cause disturbances." He said with a cheesy grin.

"Yeah... no. I'm not gonna do any of that." Wa stage last thing I said before Yakko grabbed my arm and stared to run, with everyone else running behind. "Too late." He said with a grin.

Before I knew it, we were on a set for a movie but no one was in.

"Sibs, looks like this place could use a little Warner touch, don't ya think?" He asked Wakko and Dot and they quickly nodded their heads, agreeing with their brother's suggestion.

As quick as lightning, they started tearing the set apart as well as splashing it with different coloured paint.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I exclaimed in shock. "This is what we do for fun! Also, when we're bored." Dot said and she mumbled the last sentence.

"Hah, see! This is exactly why Dad kept you locked in the Water To-." I crossed my arms and tried to talk but got interrupted my a SPLASH!

I had just been hit by a water balloon, which was thrown my Yakko. "Oh, it's on." I said as I crossed my eyebrows. I soon took part in the water balloon fight and Sophie and Max joined in too.

Everyone was having fun and laughing until I gently up a 'T' sign for time-out.

"Alright, guys. Time out." I told them, happiness in my voice. I was still giggling to myself.

Yakko was soaking wet but because he was a cartoon, all he and his siblings had to was was remotely shake to get dry.

"Good game, (y/n). Didn't think you even had it in ya." Yakko stated as he put his hands on his hips, looking impressed.

"Yeah, well. I know a thing or two about fun." I said as I brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"That's debatable." Max mumbled. I gently and jokingly nudged him in the arm with my elbow as he giggled.

"Well, it won't be much fun now that I've found out, will it?"

A voice asked from behind. All of us turned around and what I saw, made my heart drop.

It was my Dad, Mr. Plotz.

A/N: Hey y'all! Thanks for reading this story so far. I personally enjoyed writing this chapter. It was fun and chaotic... just like me sometimes XD.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and hopefully I'll be back to updating usually with no absences.

Read on, my fellow Bookworms! ❤️✌️

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