Hopping out of bed, I slide my feet into my Elmo slippers and mosey to the kitchen where the table is set with eggs, waffles, pancakes, bacon and sausage. "Morning," I sing as I start to make a plate for myself.

"Someone's cheery this morning. Anything to do with the mystery person from yesterday?" She wasted no time jumping straight to the point. I ignore her insinuation as I fill my plate with eggs and a waffle. I hear her light snicker as I pull up a seat at the island in the kitchen.

"I see you're still not eating meat," Charles acknowledges coming into the kitchen.

"Duh Charlie! Who still eats meat?" I laugh at Jade's obvious offense to Charlie's statement.

As I douse my waffle in syrup and powdered sugar, my mother starts up again. "So Ariah, care to fill me in yet?"

She's so nosy.

"He's nobody mom." I mentally slap myself at my dumb response. I immediately wish I can take it back once she starts firing off questions.

"So it's a he? What does he look like ? What does he do for a living? How old is he?"

"Mom!" I whine through a mouth full of eggs.

"Ariah Miller, what have I told you about talking with your mouth full?" I roll my eyes and finish chewing. I catch a glimpse of my brother trying to hide his obvious amusement. I chuck a balled up napkin at him causing his resolve to crack.

The table fell silent as I sat and ate my breakfast. My mother's silent eagerness and my brother's probing eyes both causing me to shift in my seat. I smile awkwardly sitting my fork down and sliding from the table. "I'm full. I think I'm going to go shower." I quickly make my way into the bathroom and under the warm water.

I honestly wouldn't know where to start with Silas. There really isn't much to tell. We met, we went out to lunch a few times, had one date, that didn't particularly end well, and we've had a few conversations. Part of me feels like I'm overthinking the situation, maybe I was being over dramatic. No, I was being careful. Silas Wilson is boyfriend material and that's dangerous. I would be lying if I said the invisible pull towards him doesn't exist. My thoughts are paused by the sound of the door to my room closing. I finish up in the shower and wrap the towel around my body. Making my way out, I find my mom sitting on my bed with an apologetic smile on her face.

"Your locks are getting so long love," she initiates. I smile as I fidget with my towel awkwardly. "Come sit with me sweetheart." I do as she bids.

She starts. "You know you can talk to me about anything. I haven't seen you shy away from talking about things since your high school days Ari. What's up?" I remain silent for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"His name is Silas."

I can feel her smile from beside me. "Where did you two meet?"

"At the club. I approached him," I explain, choosing to leave out the detail of him being an investor at my job.

A soft chuckle escapes her and she nudges me. "Atta girl." Deciding not to continue beating around the bush, I start to fill her in.

"He wants more than I'm willing to give mom. I'm not looking for a relationship, but I guess he is. I won't allow myself to get hurt-"

"Again," she finishes. I nod. She wraps her arm around my shoulder and I let my head fall onto hers. 

"Sweetheart, let me fill you in on a little secret. Life is a roller coaster. You have your ups, your downs and your twists and turns. You never know what's around the next corner. But that's where the excitement comes in because you get to say "what's next"." She lifts me up and places her firm hands on my naked shoulders. "I know Dreya hurt you, but you can't let that hold you back from experiencing something new. Turn off the emotionally unavailable sign and open up your door." A lone tear slides down my face and she wipes it away before pulling me in for a comforting hug. "Now get dressed," she orders before marching out of the room. I laugh and do as I've been told with a new sense of determination.

We all spent the day shopping and catching up on missed time. I lay in bed plagued by my thoughts when an incoming call from Silas gets my attention. I answer, ignoring my rising heart beat.

"Yes, Silas?"

His husky laughter filters through the phone. "Nice to see your attitude remains in tact. What time do you land tomorrow?"


"Why so late?" I sense some annoyance in his voice.

"Because I haven't seen my family in over a year and I want as much time as possible. What, you miss me?"

"Are you flirting with me, Miss Miller?" I'm mentally appreciating that he can't see the blush evident on my face.

"I do believe I am Mr. Wilson." I don't miss the quiet laugh he releases. I make a mental image his pearly teeth showing through his plump lips.

"You should get some sleep. See you tomorrow night Miss Miller."

"Goodnight Mr. Wilson." The phone clicks and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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