011 ~ eleven

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Y/N's POV:

The three of us sat around Will's bedroom talking, catching each other up on everything that's happening. 

"It's like... It's like I feel what the shadow monster is feeling. See what he's seeing." Will told us, he was sweating through his clothes, yet he almost looked to be shivering.

"Like in the Upside Down?" Mike questioned.

"Some of him in there," I added.

"But some of him is here, too," Will said. 

"Here, like, in this house?" Mike asked.

"In this house and... in me." Mike sat down on one side of Will and me on the other. I grabbed his hand trying to comfort him. "It's like... It's like he's reaching into Hawkin's more and more. And the more he spreads the more connected to him I feel." (W)

"And the more you see these now-memories." Mike realized.

"At first I just felt it in the back of my head. I didn't even really know it was there. It's like when you have a dream and you can't remember it unless you think really hard... It was like that. But now it's like. Now I remember. I remember all the time." (W)

Will was starting to shake. I started rubbing my thumb on the back of his hand. 

"Maybe... Maybe that's good."  Mike suggested.

"Good?" Will and I both questioned.

"Just think about it guys. Will, you're like a spy now. A superspy. Spying on the shadow monster. If you know what he's seeing and feeling... Maybe that's how we can stop him. Maybe all of this is happening for a reason." (M)

"You really think so?" Will asked. 

"Yeah. Yeah, I really do." (M)

Will looked over to his drawings lying on the ground, he looked terrified. 

"What if he figure's out we're spying on him? What if he spies back?" (W)

"He won't," I told him.

"How do you know?" (W)

"We won't let him." I smiled.

"Can we change the subject please?" Will asked.

"Y/N didn't you have something to tell us?" (M)

"Oh yeah about that. Uh, hehe, it's kinda a long story."

"Y/N, you can tell us." Will tried comforting me.

"Uh, it might be better if I show you?" I slowly lifted my sleeve to reveal the tattoo of the number 010 on my left wrist. 

"Holy shit." (M)

"Oh my God, no way." (W)


Both Mike and I stayed at the Byer's house that night. We talked for hours before going to bed. I told them everything like I did Joyce, leaving out the TV show fact. The boys got super excited and were completely fanboying. They thought I might have powers that involve time warping and teleportation, I don't know but they seemed pretty confident in that. 

That night both Mike and I slept on the floor in Will's room. It was slightly awkward but it was fine. I woke up early in the morning but I couldn't fall back asleep. I kept overthinking everything. How is this real-life... How am I where I am? I nearly dozed off again when Will woke up with a start, giving Mike and I both heart attacks. Figuratively of course. 

"Will, what's wrong?" Mike asked. The look on Will's face broke my heart. I wish I could help him. He didn't say anything to either of us he instead ran out to see his mother.

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