I Will Win the War (Part 1)

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The doctor tied off the sutures, then bandaged her hand. "You're all set, Comet. Let me get your discharge papers and then you can head out."

"Thank you," I said to the doctor, who nodded. I turned to Casper when I realized he didn't have any adults around him, "Do you want us to call someone for you? A parent or someone?"

Casper shrugged, "My mom's Coast Guard and she's on the sea for the next week and my dad's in a meeting. He was called and his secretary took a message. My brother, however, should be here soon."


We all looked up to see a boy, probably around nineteen or eighteen, running through the ER in khakis and a light blue button-down. He had a backpack slung over one shoulder, but he was definitely Casper's brother.

"Hey, Milo," Casper hugged his brother, "Thanks for coming."

"Of course. Are you okay?"

Casper nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine," he noticed us staring, "Oh, uh, Milo, you remember Comet, right?"

Milo looked at my daughter and waved, "Yeah, hey, Star Girl.

Comet nodded to him and Casper continued to the introductions, "That is Comet's mom, Erika Henningsen, and their family-friend, Taylor Louderman."

"Nice to meet you," I offered Milo my hand and he took it.

"Thanks for being here for my brother," Milo took his hand back and put it on Casper's shoulder.

I opened my mouth to say something, but the doctor came back and handed Milo and me clipboards.

"Here are the discharge papers," she told us, "Sign these and give them to a nurse, then you're free to go. Casper, try to sleep with your head elevated and ice it for times a day no more than twenty minutes at a time for two to three days. Comet," she handed five packages of gauze bandages to me, "Exchange the bandages once a day. You can sleep with it unwrapped, but try and keep your arm elevated. No strenuous activities and come back in five days for us to check your stitches to see if they can be removed. You can use advil or ibuprofen to numb the pain, that goes for both of you. It was nice to meet you."

"You, too, Dr. Parkers," Comet gave her a fist-bump.

"You're awesome, Dr. Parkers," Casper said, "But I hope I don't see you soon."

Dr. Parkers laughed and nodded, returning his two finger salute.

I signed the papers and examined Comet's arm as we waited for Milo.

"This isn't too tight, is it?" I asked, running my fingers on the bandage, "Because I can call someone over if you -"

"Mom," Comet stopped me, "It's okay."

"Damn, Erika," Taylor clapped my shoulder, "You really are a parent."

Comet snickered while I asked, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're literally making a fuss over something as simple as bandages," Taylor laughed. I looked at Comet and she nodded.

I opened my mouth to respond, but Casper interrupted me, "You guys ready?" he asked, "Milo's done with my papers."

"Yes," Comet immediately jumped off the bed and picked up her backpack, "Let's go." More quietly to me she added, "Can Casper and Milo come to the theatre?"

"You don't want to go home?" I checked, "I mean, you just got your hand bandaged after being cut with a knife."

Comet looked at the gauze wrapping from halfway down her forearm to her palm and shrugged, "Not really. I kinda just want to be with my family."

I smiled and kissed the top of her head, then turned to Milo, Casper, and Taylor, saying, "Do you three want to come by the theatre? I don't have to go on tonight but that doesn't mean we can't still show up."

"Theatre?" Milo asked, but nodded after his brother explained, "Oh, it's up to you, Cas."

"Yes!" Casper jumped and Taylor mimicked the excitement.

"Alright," I laughed, "Let's go."

Casper and Comet linked arms and skipped out of the ER singing, "We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!" with myself, Taylor, and Milo trailing behind slower.

Sorry it's taken so long for a real update - writer's block's a pain. There will be a Part 2 coming in a few days(ish). Please vote, comment, and send in requests and/or feedback.

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy!


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