Unveiling the ugly truth

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Dean pov

I woke to the smell of bacon frying. I open to realize we all slept in the forest. I look down to seen the girl I'm going to marry fast asleep in my arms. She was so beautiful and I couldnt help but stare at her as she slept. After a while my love woke up.

"good morning beautiful "

She looks up at me and smiles. I honestly have never been happier than with our little makeshift family. Crystal sits up and looks around realizing we are still outside.she then gets up and runs to the house. When I catch up to her she is in the house talking to Sam.

"thanks so much Sam your the best"

"what did Sam do babe"

"I made sure Jenny made it to school on time since its Monday. "

Shit we all have work! I run upstairs to get dressed in a old pair of jeans and a old flannel when crystal walks in.

"babe sam told Bobby you guys weren't working today and I don't have any lessons I have to teach."

(they work out of Bobby's lot)

She walks up to me and pushes me onto the bed and straddles me. She then leans down and whispers in my ear.

"so let's have some fun"

(one hour later)

Crystal fell asleep not to long ago. God she was changing me. I have had one night stands but they were nothing like with crystal. They are right when they say love enhances the exsperience. I pull my girl closer to me and fall asleep.

Jenny pov

Since we have lunch I was hanging get outside with some friends. We are all messing around, that's when the voice began to speak. I never told anyone but since I woke up when crystal found me in the warehouse I have had this voice in my head. Lately it's controlling more than my thoughts, it's been controlling my actions to. I excused myself and went into the woods behind the school.


I try to push it from my mind. But then I felt not in control and began running. I tried to fight it but that didn't work. Soon we where in a clearing with other people.

"nice meat suit "

I spoke without being able to stop.

"it's not fully mine yet. This girl is a fighter. By Christmas it will be mine along with her soul."

I tried running away but couldn't. I wasn't incontrol anymore. I should've told crystal when it first happened.now I will be dead by Christmas.

Sam pov

After put the bacon away I made for breakfast and we all ate I decided to pick up Jenny from school. I wouldn't tell anyone but I loved her. More than a friend, I'm deeply madly in love with her. Even though Jenny is now 17 and I'm 25 I still wanted to take things further, but knowing Crystal she would most likely kill me if I did. When I pull up to Jenny's school I was shocked to not see her. I walk to the football field where I know she likes to be. What I see next shocks me. Jenny is hysterically crying and yelling at herself.

"you won't control me anymore!"

I ran up her and pulled her into my arms where she cried intell it was dark. Then she decided to speak.

"Sam can I tell you something"

I just nodd

" I'll never forgive you if you tell anyone"

I just nod again

"when you guys found me and brought me back to Bobby's I wasn't exactly okay. When I woke up I heard a voice, thinking it was my consenice I left it alone. Over time the voice spoke more and more and now..... It controls my actions at times."

I froze I knew where this was going.

"Sam.... I think the demon is inside me. It says it will have full
Power by Christmas. "

She looked terrified. I sat her up so she was facing me. I wiped her tears, it broke my heart to see her like this.

"you will be ok I promise nothing will happen to you. "

She just smiled and falls asleep in my arms. I carry her to the impala and take the hour drive home. When we get in I see Dean and Crystal are asleep on the couch so I just carry Jenny to her room. Then crash my my own worrying about the only girl I cared more about then Jess.


Pic of Crystal's bike

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