First Impressions

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Flashback- 23/2/1996
"Don't do it!" the child screamed from the corner of the already ransacked room. The two men stood tall in the centre of the room with two individuals tied and separated, as they groaned for freedom. Y/N watched as the two remaining people were battered and bruised relentlessly in front of him. All he could do was close his eyes, as the tears streamed down his face. The restraints of the thick wires fastening him to the wall were simply too much for him. Every time he opened his eyes, a new nightmare laid ahead of him. Throughout this whole process the two men carried out their task, with the emotionless white mask covering their smirks.

Present day
Date: 5th August 2020
Location: GEO base
3rd Person POV
Y/N: "So sir what did you want us here for?"
Director: "There is a university in Granada currently occupied by terrorists holding 10 students hostage. Your job is to get in, eliminate the terrorists and get the hostages." He paused for a second to let us take in our mission. "Understood?"
Fuego: "Yes sir!"
Javi: "Ok, but when do we leave?"
Director: "20 minutes. Now go!"

I couldn't believe it. I mean, I've always wanted to see my old university but wasn't expecting it to be like this. I must've been daydreaming as Javi was trying to get my attention.
Javi: "Yoooooo!"
Javi: "Earth to Y/N!"
"Huh...oh y-yeah. Let's go."
I gave Javi a quick thumbs up as we headed back to our dorm where Fuego was already waiting.
Fuego: "C'mon dumbass these terrorists won't kill themselves!"
"Yeah ok. I'll see you on the helipad in 5 minutes.
I dashed into our dorm to get my uniform. I laid it on my bed and slowly put it on. Just as I was ready to leave I took one sharp look at myself in the mirror.

 Just as I was ready to leave I took one sharp look at myself in the mirror

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'Not bad' I thought to myself. And with that I was ready to go.

Time skip to in the chopper

3rd Person POV
Y/N, Javi and Fuego were taking in the views, as heard the pilot in the chopper say "Drop location in 5 minutes."
All three men got into their harnesses and were just about ready to jump.
Javi: "So mi amigos, you guys want to go anywhere later?" He paused for a moment allowing his mind to wander. "Bars, clubs, drinking looooooong into the morning?"
Y/N: " Always one for a party aren't you?" He said in between some chuckles.
Javi: "Hey, I'm just trying to have fun!"
Fuego: "Well, we have to get through this first." He replied as he pointed towards the university.
It looked much more rundown than when Y/N had been here. There were boarded up windows, the once glimmering paint on the walls was now covered in a thick layer of dirt and dust.
Pilot: "Now on my call" The suddenness of this voice startled Y/N. "3...2...1...JUMP!"
And almost like sprinters when hearing a gun, the three boys rappeled towards the foot of the building.


As soon as my feet hit the concrete ground, I began devising a small strategy.
" Javi, I need you to get up to the roof. There should be a glass skylight for you to do some surveillance. Got it?"
He gave an affirmative nod in response and he began to rappel to the top of the building.
"Now, Fuego, you are going to throw one of your drones underneath this door," I pointed to the side of the building to a small door which had been boarded up, "I'm going to need you to give me a full hostile count for the building. Comprende?"
"Sí" he whispered as he began to slowly scout out the hostiles.
"There are 22 hostiles" he muttered, "but there is a weak point on the upper west side."
"Ok," I replied, "Not the easiest assignment." I thought for a second. "Fuego, you are going to breach to the door you droned from and I'll breach from the upper west side. You said the hostages are in the basement, right?"
"Well you clear out your floor and as much of the basement as you can. Then, I will meet you in the basement." I ordered as he began running off to the door and breached in.
I slowly made my way towards the upper west side window, but before I had even gotten there, I heard a crackle through my coms.
"Javi, Fuego do you copy?"
"Sí, Y/N!" Fuego stated.
A simple thud was heard down the other line. Great. Javi must have been knocked out cold by one of the terrorists. But I told him to stay on the roof? How the hell could he get knocked out from up there? I quickly peered onto the roof, but there was nothing to be seen. 'I guess he never did take well to orders,' I thought. So not only do we have to retrieve 10 hostages, Javi just made that 11.
"Y/N, I can't believe this, but there's no one on the ground floor it's like a ghost town." Fuego whispered thankfully into coms. "Now I'll make my way down to the base"-
'Perfect' I thought with a long groan. 'Make that 12.'
I looked down at my C7E and realized that I had only brought 2 mags. I shrugged my shoulders and I now broke my way through the barred window, activated my goggles and eliminated the 8 terrorists that waited for me on the top floor.
As I deactivated my goggles and slowly crawled down the stairs , I heard a door creak to my right. With a rapid turn, I fired a bullet from my bearing 9 straight through the eyehole of the terrorist's mask. 13 left. As I patrolled the middle and bottom floors, I eliminated another 7, picking them off 1 by 1, leaving the last 6 to be in the basement, along with Javi and Fuego.

I used a drone to scout out the basement and it appeared as though all of the remaining hostiles were located in one room. I slowly crept my way towards the barricaded door and threw a flash grenade underneath the barricade.
I waited for the grenade to go off and as I did I activated my goggles and practically smashed through the barricade. And using the remaining 6 bullets in my mag I cleared the terrorists, in what must've been record time.

The 10 hostages sat tied around a pillar in the middle of the room, alongside Javi and Fuego.
Thankfully, most of them seemed unharmed. I untied them all as quickly and safely as I could, leaving Javi and Fuego until last.
Javi and Fuego gave me a small punch in the arm.
"That was for the flash!" They both shouted almost in unison.
All I could do was laugh to myself as my 2 best friends proceeded to flip me off.
We escorted the students out of the building and to the front of the school where the local police had already set up a perimeter.
"You got this?" I asked one of the policeman.
He nodded tentatively back at me.
"Ok boys," I said turning my attention back to Javi and Fuego, "let's go home."

Time skip to arriving back to GEO base

3rd Person POV

Y/N, Javi and Fuego arrived in the director's office once again.
"Great work gentlemen!" He seemed elated and relieved, "Javi and Fuego you are free to go." All of a sudden, the stern look retook it's place, "However, I need to have a word with you." he said glaring at Y/N.
"Ok, thank you sir!" They exclaimed as they left the office with wide smiles plastered across their faces.

"Great work back there Y/N!" the director exclaimed.
"Really it was nothing."
"Well," this came from another figure, hidden in a dark corner of the office, "I thought it was quite something."
The man stepped toward the centre of the office and I could now see him in the yellow light.
The man was wearing glasses and had a dark greying beard with similarly coloured hair.
"Sorry, where are my manors." He continued in a thick, yet calm British accent, "My name is Harishva Pandey, but you can call me Six or Harry, if you so wish."
I had still barely broken my gaze at my own thumbs, when I asked, "What do you want from me?"
"Well", Harry replied, "I am the director of an organization containing some of the most elite military personnel in the world and I believe that you could be a part of our team."
He placed a file with a contract inside in front of me and I finally looked up.
'Rainbow Six?' I thought to myself, 'sounds familiar'
"When do I have to decide by?"
"The jet leaves at midnight tonight so you have a few hours." Harry replied, "just give me a call when your decision is made."
And with that I left the office with the file in my hand.

I went to my dorm to find Javi and Fuego already there.
"Why the frown Y/N?" questioned Fuego.
"I have a decision to make."
"Well, what is it?" Javi asked .
"I've been asked to join this organization called 'Rainbow 6', ever heard of it?"
They both looked at me as if I was retarded.
"YES!" they both replied with clear excitement in their eyes.
"Well, what do you think?"
"Wait, you're seriously thinking about declining that?!" Javi exclaimed.
"Well y-yeah, I would miss you gu-."
" Ok Y/N, for once in your life, cut the cute shit, you deserve to be among the elite and this is your chance to do that. Don't let us stop you!" Fuego intervened.
"Besides, we can always find time to catch up!" Javi added.
"I guess I'd better start packing then!" I shouted almost exploding in a mix of excitement and nerves.

A/N- Sorry that we're not into the main point of this story yet, I just thought that I would give a bit of an introduction to our main character.
Thanks for reading!

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