⚠️!!! WARNING !!! ⚠️

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Before reading this story I wanna say something be sure to read the next recommended information.


1. You mustn't read this story if u don't like  bleedy stuff.

2. For reading this story u must be at least 13 years old.

3. Don't read this story if u don't like DWTD.

4. Don't read it if the title of the story makes u feel uncomfortable.

5. If ur depressed u better don't read this story. Nobody wants u to kill yourself.


1. This story is 100% original by meh

2. Dumb ways to die belongs to Metro

3. This story wasn't created for readers to become suicidal.

4. This is only a scary fan fiction story.

5. This' not teaching bad stuff to anyone.

I kindly ask you to:

Be sure to not write any hate and cursewords comments cuz I'm reporting. Thank you :)


Thank u for reading all of this information, now that u did read it fully be free to read the story "Dippy the suicidal bean" have fun :)

Dippy the suicidal bean (DWTD)Where stories live. Discover now