Child of War

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Child of War

TV turns on

Mommy and Daddy crying

Why are you crying?

Hush now sweety,

We're watching the news.

Volume goes up

A sea of noise fills my ears

In big words on the screen is

"Attack on America"

People crying, screaming, running

Sirens everywhere

Black smoke fills the sky,

An evil cloud of despair.

Fire, people wearing masks

Streets hazy with smoke.

An airplane flies through the sky

Straight into a building

Fire everywhere, more smoke

People screaming, crying,

Getting louder and louder.

I watch the screen

I hear Mommy cry out

I watch the two tall buildings fall

Mommy's crying harder

So is Daddy.

I keep hearing the same words

Over and over again.

Terrorists, terrorists, terrorists.

Then a man's face comes on the screen

The leader of the "terrorists"

Osama bin Laden,

The man who led the attack

On my home.

That was 9/11/01.

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