2. vana ilusión

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Apart from realising the fact that he is gay, Gulf knows one thing for sure- if this truth of his reaches the media, he's done for. His family's reputation might be done for, and it would be in the headlines worldwide. This scares him. Moreover, he doesn't want to be labelled as a 'faggot'. Gulf clenches his jaws. He has got to hide the fact.

He spends this night with no sleep in his eyes. As the first ray of sunshine hits his room, Gulf gets down from the bed and opens the blinds. He brushes his teeth, washes his face, and quickly changes into his sweatpants and a t-shirt. Connecting his phone with his earpods, he sets out for his daily jogging and workout routine.

Gulf overworks himself. He jogs until his legs cannot take anymore. He wipes the sweat off his forehead with the corner of his now sweat-soaked shirt. Gulf doesn't have a muscular body, but he's lean and fit. Fit enough to make girls drool. But I like men. Gulf sits down on the soft grass and buries his face in his hands. "Hoiiiiiiii!" Gulf runs his fingers through his hair, his habit when he's frustrated. The music changes to his favourite track, but it doesn't soothe him at this moment. And on top of that, his stomach rumbles.

Gulf stands under the shower, and washes his hair. He dries himself, and puts on a bathrobe. He grabs a look at the big mirror and heads for the kitchen downstairs. Should I come out to my family? Gulf tries to curb the conflicts in his mind when he suddenly bumps into someone.

"Ouhh P'Golf, I am sorry I wasn't being careful." Gulf rubs his forehead. He looks at Golf and smiles. "Good morning, big bro."

Gulf's greeting remains suspended in the air, garnering only a cold glare from the latter. Golf walks away, while his little brother looks at him, eyes full of hurt. Gulf should have been habituated of this by now, but he's drowned in expectations. Expectations that won't be met. Ever. Gulf looks down at his feet and sighs. As easy going as he is, he is okay with it until he can see his older brother everyday. He loves his ignorant older brother a little too much.

"Good morning krub, mom." Gulf greets Earn, who's drinking coffee. He runs like a child and engulfs Earn in a big hug.

"The coffee might get spilled! It's hot!" Earn rebukes Gulf, but she smiles and pats his head. "Good morning, my child." She says, as Gulf places a swift kiss on her cheek. Earn takes a look at her younger son and frowns. "What's wrong?" She asks.

"About me?"

"Of course you, silly."

"I'm good. I'm good." Gulf pats his stomach. "I'm hungry. I might eat a mountain load of chicken if you give me."

Earn laughs. "You and your chicken fetish." She shakes her head mockingly.


"What? I'm pretty modern. We're more like friends, right?" Earn pats Gulf's head.

"Right." Gulf hugs Earn again. "You are the coolest mom in the world, krub." Gulf closes his eyes and feels the pure, unconditional love of his mother. And then his stomach rumbles. "Mommy, baby Gulf is hungry. What do we have for breakfast?"

"Salad." Gulf's dad Earth enters the kitchen.

"Ouh! I don't like salad, dad." Gulf pouts.

"From today, we'll have only salad for breakfast. I'm getting fat." Earth says with a deep voice.

"Dad, you are getting fat. Not me! Why do you have to do this?" Gulf looks at his dad's impassive face. "Mom, please I will die before I can get salad down my throat." He shakes Earn's hand, pleading for her to speak.

"It hurts!" Earn removes her hand from Gulf's strong grip. "Honey, don't tease him anymore." Earn turns back to warm the food. "We have grilled pork and tom yum soup. C'mon, let's dig in."

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