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Not my art ^

(In the beginning it's going to be a todobakudeku x reader, but of all the endings I've thought up, Bakugo's is the best, and I just love Bakugo <3)

Y/n Aizawa (L/n)

Height: 152.4 cm or 5'0 EXACTLY (Im actually pissed about my height, the majority of my cousins all got the tall genes, and I decided to ruin us all with my height, because it's the height I relate to, so it's easier to write about)

Quirk: Elemental Dragon

Her quirk allows her to transform into a partial or full dragon. Combined with the elemental part of her quirk which allows her to manipulate or create any of the natural elements, such as water, fire, earth, air, and more she becomes an elemental dragon. The form she takes most naturally is an ice dragon.

As for personality, she hasn't met many other people her age due to her mentality and quirk. She's shy, and mostly takes comfort in being alone. The one exception to that rule is her cat, Fluffy. She also loves fluffy things, like her cat... she likes drawing and reading, and isn't particularly sporty.

Her wings, tail, and horns match the element she uses, so normally (ice dragon) they are white.

Ice = white

Fire = red

Water = dark blue

Air = light blue

Earth = green

Electricity = yellow

Space = purple

M/n L/n (Mother)

Quirk: Elements

Simple, she controls the same elements as Y/n

F/n L/n (Father)

Villian Name: Ladon, the name of the hundred-headed dragon that guarded the garden of Hesperides in greek mythology.

Quirk: Dragon

He can partially or fully transform into a dragon.

Just in case you don't know:

Y/n = your name

L/n = last name

f/c = favorite color

f/f = favorite food

f/s = favorite snack/sweet

f/m = favorite movie

h/l = hair length

h/c = hair color

e/c = eye color

Dragon Queen (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now