First day of school, back from Christmas break

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Hi y'all. First of all, I know that Ross and Rocky lynch are not twins, but I needed complete opposites and couldn't find any that would fit for Alex and Matt. The picture with Emma and Logan will be in the next chapter. I changed Emma and Logans age to 17 and them being born in 1997 instead of 1999. Sorry for any confusion.

Emma, Sarah, Alice, and Sister Bird are regular. Logan, Alex, and Matt are bold. I didn't want to do that, but something was wrong and wouldn't let me make it regular. I will make it regular next chapter.

Emma's Pov.

Today is the day. I am starting my second semester, in my senior year of high school. I can't belive I am in my last year of high school! I love this school, so it will be sad to leave, but next fall I will be studying at BYU. Then after one year of that I will go on my mission, but that is not today. It is 5:30 in the morning and I am driving to my church for early morning seminary. It may be 5:30 AM, but I am bouncing off the walls right now, I could do anything. My best friend, Logan, is just like me. We answer every question and ask as much as we answer. WE LOVE EARLY MORNING SEMINARY!!! Now, you may think who in their right mind wants to be up at 5:30, then you see two 17 year old kids marching into the seminary room. That my dear friend is hard to see, and I might add quite funny. Logan and I are always the first ones there, before our teacher, Sister Bird. It frustrates her when there are only two kids awake and active, (cough cough Logan and I) but she loves to teach seminary so it's all worth it. As I get there I realize that I have beaten Logan. Usually he gets here before me, but I beat him. YEA, that never happens!! While I park, I notice him walk up to my car. He lives like five minutes from the church, so he walks and he sits in my car while we wait for Sister Bird to unlock the door.

As he gets in I scream, "HEY LOGAN, I BEAT YOU HERE!!!".

Once he gets his head straight, I notice something wrong, he isn't perky. Oh no, I hope nothings wrong.

"Logan are you alright? Also don't say nothing, I know something isn't right, we are best friends." I ask, hoping he just didn't sleep well.

"My sister is really sick. She went to the hospital last night, and you know how close we are, so I went with them. My mom told me I can either go to the hospital and stay with Annie (A/N Annie is Logans sister. She is five.)or go to school. I choose school for two reasons, we have one semester left and YOU, my dear friend I would be lost If I didn't have you. " He honestly told me.

"Awww, Logan I would be too. I am so sorry about Annie. I HOPE she gets better, she is like a sister to me. (Hint hint)" I told him honestly.

" I know, let's just hope that nothing bad happens. My mom gave me a note written by the doctor, that if my mom needs to get a hold of me she can call me during class. I can't abuse it though, because if I do, I will never get this chance ever again." He said, a little nervously.

"What do you mean 'abuse it'? Does that mean saying you can play games on your phone, because you are sad, Is that what you mean?" I asked, not knowing why he would 'abuse' that.

" That is exactly what I mean. You know, using it to get out of class and such." He told me.

"You don't need to worry, because you won't do that. Now come on let's go inside, Sister Bird is here." I say, as I am getting out.

"Alright, let's go." He said, getting out as well.

When I got out, I noticed that Sister Bird brought Sarah, Alice, Alex and Matt with her. So I went to greet them, as well as Logan.

"Hi guys, how are y'all this lovely morning?" Whenever I say something like that is when they think I am sarcastic, but I am not.

"Yeah, hey guys, how are you?" Logan asks sadly.

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